Chapter 38

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**Emily's Pov**

We're currently in Boston and I'm getting ready to go on stage. The fans are screaming louder than I could ever imagine. Somehow, I still get nervous every time I go on stage.

"You got it Em," Jonah said giving me a friendly hug.

"Thanks Jonah," I said and ran out on stage just like how it was planned.

The fans were screaming louder if that's even possible. I started doing my normal routine of introducing myself and asking fans some questions.

I started doing "Guess that Childhood Theme Song" challenge and invited two fans to come up with me. Each show has a new challenge since this is supposed to be like I'm filming a video.

I kept talking with the fans and playing games with them until it was time for me to run off the stage and for the boys to go on.

When I was almost completely off stage I saw Aspen kiss Zach. Zach immediately pushed her off and looked directly at me.

"Emily I swear I didn't kiss her," Zach said walking towards me.

"I know, I know, I saw it all," I said Zach walking into his open arms.

"I'm mad at Aspen. She can't process the fact that you and I are dating and she's single." I said while Zach was still holding me in his arms.

"Zach we have to go," Jonah said since the boys were about to go on stage.

"Okay," Zach said back and then hugged me before he left for the stage.

When Zach went on, I went over to the fridge so that I could get a bottle of water and some grapes. I grabbed both of them out of the fridge and started walking back so that I could watch the boys.

"Emily," Aspen said giving me a death stare, what crawled up her butt.

"Yes, Aspen." I said politely even though I wanted to go off on her.

"Stay away from my man," she said. Hold up. Her man. Please.

"I think you're confused, Zach is my man, not yours," I said feeling my body about to snap at her.

"Yet he still kissed me," she said, how dumb does she think I am.

"Actually you forced yourself on him. He fought back and pushed you away because he doesn't want your disgusting lips on his." I said getting in her face a bit.

"Emily!" Jonah called at me.

"Your microphone is still on," Jack said while running over to me.

Oh sheet.

I quickly took off my microphone since it's a wireless one and looked over at Jack and Jonah.

"Zach is explaining what happened to the fans. Aspen I think you should leave right now." Jonah said not taking a second look at her.

"Do the fans hate me," I asked looking at both of them.

"Probably not once Zach explains what happened, then they will probably be mad at Aspen." Jack explained to me.

"Jonah and Jack we need you to come back," Corbyn said.

Jonah and Jack hugged me and then went back. I walked to my dressing room and later on the couch while calming down.

I turned on my phone and went on twitter to see if anyone was talking about what happened. People posted videos from when my mic was on and when Zach was talking about what happened.

I checked to see the hate that I thought was coming in, but it was all going to Aspen. I felt relief flood through my body knowing that I wasn't getting hate for going off on her.

The boys had about 30 minutes left of their performance so I decided to take a shower here since the boys might take one on the bus.

After my shower, I changed into a pair of Nike running shorts, one of Zach's hoodies and my white birks.

The boys had five minutes until they were done so I went to the side of the stage to wait for them. I couldn't see Aspen anywhere which I'm happy about and it looks like she took her stuff with her.

The boys finished and said thank you to the crowd before running out and Zach coming to me trying to hug me even though he was sweating.

"Zach no I just showered," I said starting to run away from him.

"Please Emily," Zach said giving me puppy dog eyes.

"For two seconds," I told him and hugged him.

I tried pulling away, but he kept pulling me closer to him and trying to hold me for what felt like forever.

I finally got Zach off of me and we walked hand in hand to the bus. Aspen is on the other bus, so thankfully we won't have to see her.

Zach was the first to shower and get ready for bed. We started watching Grey's Anatomy since I wanted to rewatch episodes again.

The boys joined in watching with us after they showered and we decided to play monopoly since we were bored.

We had to play in teams they were, Jack and Corbyn, Daniel and Jonah, and lastly, Zach and I.

Jack started getting convinced that Zach and I were cheating and it got into an intense argument.

We started throwing parts of the game at each other. We totally forgot that we were playing and were occupied with throwing pieces at each other.

"Ow!" Zach said.

I looked over at him and saw his head bleeding.

"I feel lightheaded," Zach said before looking like he was about to pass out.

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