Chapter 32

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**Emily's Pov**

Today we flew out to Cincinnati and Zach was asleep the entire flight while I stayed awake editing another video. On my right was Zach and on my left was Jonah. Across from us was Corbyn, Daniel, and Jack.

By the time we landed Zach woke up and I had to wake Jonah up. Corbyn, Jack, and Daniel were already awake, but ready for the hotel. When we landed it was about 8:30pm and we had to wait for everyone to get off before us.

As we waited for everyone to leave, Zach grabbed my waist from behind and put his head in the crook of my neck.

"I'm tired," Zach whispered while closing his eyes.

"Nope, wait for the hotel." I whispered back while messing with his hair to wake him up.

"Fine," Zach said back while trying to fix his hair.

We all grabbed our bags and made our way out of the plane. Zach grabbed onto my hand and interlocked our fingers. When we stepped off of the plane, we saw David standing there with his daughter Aspen, who looked directly at Zach.

"Hi boys," David greeted.

Aspen went up to all of the boys and gave them hugs, when she got to me, she gave me a glare and walked away. I started laughing to myself which caused her to turn back and give me another glare. This time I started laughing a little louder which caused all of the guys to look at me.

"What's so funny," Jonah asked, I could tell he knew the answer because I saw him glancing at her the first time she glared at me.

"Oh nothing," I said, starting to laugh harder.

"Okay," David said.

"So, Jonah, Jack, and Daniel will be sharing a room. Then in the other room is Zach and Corbyn. Lastly, Emily you and Aspen will share a room." David said then handing us each a key to our room. Someone send help.

We started walking towards the baggage claim and I grabbed my bag along with the boys. When we got out of the airport, there was a limo waiting for us. I was surprised that we didn't have the bus yet.

In the car, Aspen quickly took the seat next to Zach and Jack sat on Aspen's other side. The order went Zach having the edge seat, Aspen, Jack, Daniel, Corbyn, me, Jonah, and lastly, David driving.

When we got to the hotel we all got into the elevator and Zach had his arm around my waist. Aspen kept sending me dirty looks and Jonah started laughing because he saw them. Zach looked at him and then I started laughing with him until we were both crying from laughter.

When we got to our floor, I went to my room and put my stuff down on the bed closest to the window. Aspen came in shortly after and rolled her eyes when she saw me on the bed.

"I'm going over to Zach's room," I said.

"No you're not, you're not supposed to leave our room." She said putting her hand on the door.

Who does she think she is?

"I never heard that rule, so excuse me, but I'm leaving." I said pulling her hand off of the door and knocking on Zach's.

He opened the door and let me in giving me a confused look.

"Why are you stressed?" He asked. Corbyn walked out of the bathroom and flopped onto the other bed.

"Aspen." I said while rolling my eyes.

"What do you mean," he asked me while Corbyn started laughing like a crazy person.

"Are you blind?" Corbyn asked Zach.

"No," Zach said still confused.

"If looks could kill, Emily would be dead right now with the way that Aspen was looking at her and you together." Corbyn said while scrolling through his Instagram.

"Oh, that's why you and Jonah were laughing." Zach said while starting to laugh a bit.

"Yeah, she's being rude to me. I don't even know her! For all I care, she can suck my big toe," I said while laying down on Zach's chest.

"Don't worry about her, I don't want her, only you." Zach said while kissing my forehead.

"Okay, I'm going to go back. See you in the morning." I then kissed Zach and walked back into my room that's across the hall.

When I walked in, I saw Aspen in the bathroom washing her face. Since I'm in my comfy clothes, I set my alarm and then tried to fall asleep. I could hear Aspen in the background and then laying in her bed. She turned out her light and then fell asleep. Soon after, I started drifting off too.

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