Chapter 27

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**Emily's Pov**

"Who's ready for tour!!" Logan shouted scaring and confusing us all.

"Wait, what," I asked looking at him still confused.

"I wanted to tell you guys that the band is going on tour and Emily, the company wants you to do live performances on tour as an opening act." He explained, the guys all got up and into a group hug.

"You leave in a week!" Logan shouted then exiting leaving us all very excited for tour.

I turned to Zach and he hugged me seeming to never want to let go. All of the guys joined in and then Jonah turned it into a dog pile putting me on the bottom of the pile.

"Can't. Breathe." I huffed out and slowly felt the boys get off of me and lay back down on the couch.

"We should do something," I said looking at the guys they all just nodded and looked at their phones.

I grabbed one of the random bags they had laying around and snatched all of their phones and putting them into the bag. They started running after me so I climbed on top of the counter with the bag in my hand.

"Give it back," They repeatedly said.

"No, no technology, we're doing something that doesn't involve our phones." I said clutching the bag.

"Fine, what're we doing," Zach asked while picking me up from the counter.

"I say trampoline place," I put my hand in the air and so did everyone else.

"Okay, let's go." Jonah said and grabbed the keys which we all piled in to.

We drove for about 20 minutes and were jamming out to all of their songs that they were playing. The guys started throwing around wrappers that they found in the car at each other and when one hit Jonah, he finally told us all to stop. Zach and I kept kicking each other's legs and trying not to laugh at each other.

"We're here!" Jonah screamed scaring all of us.

Everyone piled out of the car and Jack slipped while getting out, but Zach didn't notice and fell on top of him. Jonah helped them up and then we walked into the trampoline place and bought three hour passes.

Zach pulled me over to the dodgeball court and the rest of the guys followed. We all went on the same team and had six other people join our team. We played against twelve other people and Daniel was the first to be hit causing him to be the only one out.

Jonah then hit two other people from the other team and two of our players got out. Jack was hit next and Zach got two people out from the other team. Three of our other team members got out. I hit two people and Corbyn hit one other person before getting out. Jonah hit another person and our other team member got hit. Zach and I both hit someone and then Zach was hit. I got on of their team members out, but I wasn't quick enough because they got Jonah out.

It's down to me and the other person he kept trying to hit me, but I kept doing tricks and he couldn't hit me. He threw his last ball at me and missed, therefore, I have all of the balls. I threw two at him and missed, but I did a flip with the third one and threw it before I landed, catching him off guard and hitting him.

"Yes, Emily!" All of the guys yelled and picked me up.

I couldn't stop laughing at them and we went over to the foam pits to do some cool tricks.

Jonah did a cannon ball, Corbyn did a front flip, Jack did a back flip, Daniel did a 360, and then Zach and I did front flips while holding hands and Jonah decided to record it.

"Couple Goals!" Jonah screamed pointing at us in the foam pit.

"Real mature guys," I responded while climbing out of the foam pit.

For the next hour and a half we just jumped around and tried to do weird tricks even though, we couldn't. We were told to leave after a bit because they said that our time was up and we were all bummed while walking out.

"Can we go get pizza?" Jack asked Jonah since he's driving.

"Sure, where to?" We all looked at each other and decided on a dine in restaurant where you can customize your pizza.

We found a booth to sit at and Zach and Jonah squeezed me in between them even though there's plenty of room. The waiter told us that it's a buffet and Jack shot out of his seat similar to a cartoon character and went straight for the pizza toppings.

We all ate our food while making small talk about tour and what it's going to be like. Zach paid for my food and then we all went to the boy's place to hang out.

the moment Jonah's foot stepped into the house, his phone started ringing. He answered his phone and then came into the living room with us and put the phone on speaker.

"Hi everyone." Jeff said.

"Hi," we all chorused back.

"Ok, so for tour, more information will be sent out, and Emily. W were thinking that you should perform one or two songs and then set it up as a talk show or make it seem like one of your YouTube videos."

"Okay," I said back, I'm not sure about he singing part yet.

"Alright more information will be sent out. Bye everyone." Jeff said and then hung up before we could reply.

After the phone call we started playing Fifa and I was playing with the guys except I kept running the wrong way. Multiple times I was yelled at for not going the right way or passing to the wrong person.

"Emily!" Corbyn shouted at me.

"What! I scored a goal!" i cheered for myself.

"It was at the wron goal babe." Zach said and the guys started laughing at me.

"You guys are so mean. I'll get my revenge." I said evily

Little do they know what's coming.

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