Perfect II (CX)...Meeting Victoria.

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I walked into Penguins and tried to be as normal as I can be. I don't know how Victoria looks like. But I kind of picture her to be like Miranda from Devil Wears Prada. I hope she's not as bad as that, but still, it's always best to fear for the worst.

It's only 6.20 now. Gosh, I've reached Penguins so early. There was practically no one around the office when I entered. I walked straight to my workstation and decided to read up the articles that I left behind yesterday on my desk. I peeped into Jake's office to see if he was in, but of course, he wasn't. Neither was Victoria in her office. I took a deep breath before I went back to reading the article on "What Men Look for in a Woman". It was a rather interesting article that it got me hooked on it for long until I heard Jake's voice.

"Not bad, you're punctual!" Jake's voice startled me.

I put down the article that I was reading and looked up at him. He was not in his usual suits today. He was dressed in a grey formal vest, which covers the white shirt he's wearing inside the grey vest. He has lesser gel on his hair today, but he still looks as hot as he always does though. Damn, and should I even say how he actually smells like now? Like heaven. He smells like heaven.

"Yes, I am. Always punctual." I say and raise my eyebrows at the same time.

He smiles at me. I wonder what he's thinking at the back of his mind.

"Mum will be here soon. I'll call you once she's here."

"Ok." I say and Jake walks into his room.

I go back to reading the article that I left until I heard the sound of the door open. That must be her. It must be Victoria. I have a strong urge in me to hide under my desk now to avoid seeing Victoria, but I know I can't be doing that. I slowly stand up on my feet and saw a woman in her 50's walking into the office. She seems shorter than I imagined her to be, but still she's slightly taller than I am. I can't decide whether it's her gold studded jacket or her striking red skirt that makes my eyes totally fixed on her as she walks towards me. My heartbeat goes up and down quickly as I see her moving closer to me. OH MY GOD! WHY IS SHE WALKING TO ME?

"You must be the new intern Jake talked to me about." She says standing infront of my workstation, looking straight into my eyes. Oh god, her voice is so freaking scary. I fake a smile at her.

"Hi, I'm Adella." I say and stretch my hand out for a handshake.

"Victoria." She simply says and returns my handshake.

"I'll see you in 5 inside my office." She says and walks into her office without even waiting for an "OK" from me.

I turn to look at Jake inside his office. He shows a thumbs up to me from inside and for some reasons, it's funny to see Jake doing that. I smiled at him and got myself ready to see Victoria in her office.

I literally waited for 5 minutes at my desk before I finally got up from my seat and walked to Victoria's office. I am excited to go inside her office to see what it's actually like in there, but my excitement is overshadowed by my fear of meeting her in a while. I'm anxious as to what she's going to talk to me about. I hope Jake will be around with me.

"Come in." I hear Victoria's voice after my first knock on the door.

I turn the door knob and walked in. I didn't quite expect there to be music playing inside her office. There was soft music playing in the background and I have no idea where the music was coming from. Who would have thought that Victoria was a music lover? I would have never guessed that. I thought her office might be silent like Jake's. It's literally pin drop silence inside Jake's room and I hate it.

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