Perfect II (CVIII)...Hurt Me Again.

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"Harry.." I could barely say his name.

I know my cheeks are slowly turning red in shame. I could feel it. My heart is not doing any better either. 

"You didn't meet your colleagues, didn't you?" Harry asks and immediately made me feel smaller than I already think myself of. 

"I'm sorry, Harry." I whisper and the first tear trickles down my cheek. I should have known better than to lie to Harry in the first place. 

"Don't be sorry to me." Harry appears to be way much calmer than me. I would rather he shout at me for what I've done. Harry being calm only makes me feel more guilty at my stupidity. 

"I just thought we were more into this relationship than to be lying to each other." He adds and pauses. He moves his body further from me on the couch. 

"I'm sorry, Harry. I.."

"We promised each other to be truthful to one another. What happened to that?" He asks and the second tear falls down my cheek. I can't even breathe normally now. The bile in my throat is building up, adding in pressure to the speechless state that I'm in now. 

I just stared at him as he spreads his two legs and hung his head down in between his knees. He joins his fingers in between his two hands, refusing to even look at me. 

"What did he say to you?"


"That fucking Louis."

Hearing Harry say Louis' name feels worse than I thought it would be. All I can think of now is how the hell Harry found out about everything. How did he even know that it was Louis that I met earlier?

"He talked rubbish, Harry. I don't even wanna talk about it." I say and wipe my wet cheeks. Harry shakes his head. 

"How did you know?" I ask Harry. 

Harry looks up at me. 

"Niall called me." Harry says and pauses. 

"Niall asked me to go to Bloomsbury coz' he was worried something might happen to you."

"Why didn't you come there then?" I ask him, obviously annoyed that he didn't come to "save" me when he actually had the choice to. 

"I wanted to see what you would do after seeing him. I don't know, Adel. You can call me a jerk for saying this, but I'm still in a doubt as to whether you love me as much as I love you. I know that you and him..." He pauses and avoids eye contact with me. 

"I know you and him were...really close. But, I love you more than that. I love you like nobody else. You've made me grow into the person that I am today. You're the reason I can wake up and smile to myself every day. You're the one I'm constantly thinking of, even on my worst days. But I don't know if I'm all that to you." He says and takes a deep breath. My eyes are completely bloodshot and my cheeks are fully stained with tears now. My shoulders are stiff and it feels like they are unmovable. I've always wanted to hear Harry say these things to me, but definitely not at a time like this. I wish we were in a different state now. 

"Of course you are." I say, forcing the words out of my trembling lips. 

"Why did you lie to me then?"

"I don't wanna hurt you."

"But you just did!" 

"That's why I'm sorry." My voice barely comes out. 

"Did he do anything to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did he touch you?"

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