Perfect II (CVI)...Lying to Harry.

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"Adella, we need to talk."

"I don't wish to talk to you, Niall."

"Look, I know you're angry with me. You can be angry with me for all you want, but this concerns your family."

"What about my family?"

"Can we meet at the usual Starbucks tonight? " He requests instead of answering me.

"No, I'm busy tonight." I lie to Niall. Harry and I have no plans tonight, but I don't think I'm ready to see Niall or just anyone from Bloomsbury, including my parents.

"Adella, please! You have to come see me or you'll have to live in regret for the rest of your life." Niall begs me.

"I regret seeing you the last time I met you at your house. What more can be more regretful than that, Niall?"

"You have no idea what's happening here,Adel. If you knew, you wouldn't be talking to me like this."

"For your information, Niall, you were the one who chased me out from your house the other day when I begged you to tell me what was going on. I was completely helpless that day and yet you didn't listen to me even once. You kept pushing me away even when I begged you."

"Fine. I'm sorry for doing that to you. But there was a reason why I did that. And that is why I need to meet you tonight so that I can tell you everything."

I kept quiet, not knowing what was the right thing to respond to Niall. He sounds genuine as he speaks. There must be something that he's dying to let me know. I can tell just by the desperation in his voice.

"Adel?" He checked if I was still on line.

"Ok, I'll meet you at the usual Starbucks at 7." I say to him.

"Ok, I'll be there at 7 too." Niall says and pauses for a few seconds before I heard him again.

"And one more thing, Adel."


"Don't tell Harry anything about you coming to meet me later."

"What? Why?"

"Just don't tell him. It'll only make things worse."

"Niall, I can't do that. I cannot lie to Harry to come and see you."

"I'm warning you not to tell Harry. Don't blame me for anything that will happen later."

"I just don't understand you,Niall. You think you're threatening me, but really, I'm just sick and tired of you."

Niall doesn't respond anything back to me. He hung up before I could say anything to him. I walked to the car and drove back home with a heavy weight inside my head. I know Niall is going to tell me something that will probably turn my night into a nightmare later. Judging by his tensed voice earlier, I know I'm in for a terrible night.

I reached home and found Harry sitting on the living room floor, with loads of worksheets infront of him. I forced a smile on my face as he turns behind to look at me. 

Harry walked to me as soon as I entered the flat.

He kissed me on my jawline and took my bag from my hand. I feel the lightness in my heart as soon as I saw the smile on my boyfriend's face. His beautiful face never fails to make my heart bloom in happiness.

"How was your day,baby?" He asks and walks to the couch, swinging my bag in his hand.

"Ok." I said nonchalantly and followed behind him to the couch.

Harry puts my bag at the side of the couch before he sits and pulls me to sit on his lap. I smiled at him and kissed his forehead. He playfully shakes his head and kissed my neck after my kiss.

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