Chapter 3: Making A Move

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"Have a good day." I grin as I hand the pregnant woman her frosted box of cookies. I watched as she nods and waltz out of the bakery already stuffing one cookie in her mouth.

"So your parents are putting you on a clock?" My coworker, Diamond, asked once the store was empty of customers.

I pursed my lips. "I mean I partially don't blame them because I am tired of this job and these entitled ass customers." I rolled my eyes thinking of the customers I dealt with this morning. "But I just wish I can find a job that satisfies me and them. Then I'll be happy."

"Hi, Welcome in. Feel free to try our samples of Coconut Minis." We both greeted as two couples that walked in. Today being Valentines Day, we were busier than usual with all types of couples getting last minute things.

Diamond shook her head. "Genesis as long as I've known you, which isn't long, you always care about pleasing everybody else. Sometimes you gotta do for you because ain't nobody living for you but you."

I frown at her statement before my manager came around letting me know I was good to go. Sighing I began taking off my apron as I clocked out. Once I grabbed my belongings from the break room I checked my phone for any missed notifications.

Sadly the only notifications I had was my period tracker letting me know I am two days away until the end of my cycle.

Making my way to the parking garage towards my car, my stomach turned at Raheem leaning against my car with a smug of a smile on his lips.

"What the hell are you doing here? I should file a restraining order against your ass." I growled.

Raheem laughed. "Chill, it's not even like that. I came to talk to you woman to man." I scrunched my nose up.

"About what? Rah, you always wanna talk when nothing come out of your mouth but bullshit. Why can't you just leave me alone?"

I never understood how a guy could play the hell out of you, yet annoy you like they never did you dirty in the first place. Raheem not only cheated on me but he manipulated me every time we were together and now it makes my stomach flop just seeing him.

Sometimes I wish I could move out the country so I don't have to worry about seeing him ever again.

"G, I only keep bothering you because I want you to forgive me. I fucked up, I know that but let me make it right." He reached for my wrist as I stepped two feet away from him.

"I forgave you the minute we broke up because I knew if I kept that hatred in my heart that would only be me holding feelings for you." I pointed my white acrylic nails in his face just to aggravate him, "The reason why I blocked you or never respond is because I'm trying to get rid of you in my life. You should do the same."

Raheem nibbled on his bottom lip as his eyes fell to the floor. "Before we started dating, we were best friends and I need that friend right now." He spoke to the floor.

I huffed. "Well you better find that friend in God because he is the only one that can help you." I pushed past him and unlocked my driver side door.

"She's pregnant, Genesis."

I froze and met with his eyes. He seemed more terrified than he was before and his face held an emotion of pain. I know Raheem and his family and he is most likely in no shape to raise a child right now.

Sighing, I nodded towards the car. "Get in."


"Don't change the channel just put it on split screen," I yawned as I laid out on my couch watching Ed, Ed, and Eddie while the boys played 2K.

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