Chapter 23: Different Now

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I pulled in front of the apartment building, and barely placed the car in park before hopping out

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I pulled in front of the apartment building, and barely placed the car in park before hopping out. I usually don't pop anywhere unannounced since I personally hate it, but this was an exception. These past few months I've been so out of touch with my best friend and I miss her. We would speak on the phone of course but whenever I was home, my time basically got filled being with Giana or Logan and Serenity would be working.

This would be my first time visiting her apartment aside from the time I helped her move in. Though I vaguely remember this many steps the last time. She lived up on the third floor and by the first flight of steps, my breathing was picking up. Now I'm starting to regret not fulfilling by new years resolution by going to the gym. How the hell does she do this everyday?

When I finally got to her door, I knocked twice while coughing lightly in attempt to catch me breath. When the door swung open I expected to meet with a surprise look upon Serenity face. A raised eyebrow at least. But instead she smiled softly and push the door wider while stuffing her hands back into her sweatpants.

"Why you don't look surprised to see me?" I frowned while closing and locking the door behind me.

"For one I remember you telling me you were going to be in town today to pick up Chris' mom. And second, I have a peephole for a reason."

I snickered as she walked into the kitchen and open the fridge while offering me something to drink. I took in my surroundings seeing she had boxes, trash bags and suitcases scattered all over. Though it was obvious before I showed up she was binge watching Netflix on the couch with a bag of Funyuns.

"What's with all these boxes? Don't tell me from the two months you been here you still haven't unpacked." I say while accepting a bottle of water from her.

Serenity shook her head and proceeded back to her original spot on the couch. "No, I'm moving out actually." I raised my eyebrows. "Financial reasons." She shrugged off my questionable gaze.

Serenity, Logan and I have always been dreaming about the day we get our own place. The original plan was for all of us to move in together until I became a part of Chris world. But Serenity has been working her self like crazy, saving up for this moment. I could tell she was disappointed by the fact that she hasn't been on her own for even a year yet. Besides I know all too well that not being able to afford something is the worst possible feeling.

I pursed my lips. "Nah its cause you realized taking three flights a stairs a day ain't worth it. I know it, you don't gotta front on me boo." I teased earning a slight chuckle from her.

"That too." She laughs. Checking the time, I instantly sat up.

"Listen, as much as I love you I didn't stop by just to see you. I wanted to see if you could come hang out with me, Chris' mom and aunt, please?" I added a cheeky grin so she wouldn't object.

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