Chapter 39: Chill Bill

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"Shad stop being goofy and play the damn game right!" Sevyn spat while crossing her arms over her chest

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"Shad stop being goofy and play the damn game right!" Sevyn spat while crossing her arms over her chest.

Since we got on the road later than the schedule, we got into Dallas mid afternoon. The minute we arrived Chris was up and out to meet with Mark, his lawyer, and asked me to stay behind. Even when I insist on going he tried to reassure me that with Hoody and Mijo going he would be fine, but that wasn't much reassurance. Being that I was slightly pissed he didn't want me to go, I decided to head into the arena and chill with Sevyn just to keep me busy.

When I went backstage and into the lounge Sevyn, EJ, Bow Wow, TJ, Jamal, Dallas, Lexi and a few other dancers were playing Fuck, Marry and Kill then somehow dragged me into the game.

"I have been answering honestly!" Shad shot back.

I sat back between the two laughing. Each time it was Bow's turn he would beat around the bush, not properly playing the game.

"Whatever–EJ it's your turn." Sevyn rolled her eyes. "Fuck, Marry, Kill with Teyana, Genesis and Monica." Sevyn smirks.

"Oh that's easy." EJ waved off. "I'm smashing Genesis for sure."

"Oh how flattering," I tease sarcastically as they laugh.

"Fuck Genesis, marry Teyana and kill Monica, I never really liked her attitude."

"I couldn't marry Teyana crazy ass, I'll rather marry Genesis." Shad interjected.

"Right," Jamal agreed.

"Okay Jamal, you got Sevyn, Lexi and Dallas." EJ turned to Jamal who sat next to him.

Jamal twisted his face up. "Kill Dallas for sure I ain't fucking no nigga."

"Aw forreal bro? I would've smashed you." Dallas frowns.

"Shut the fuck up." Jamal spat as we all laughed.

"It's okay Dallas, I would've smashed you too." I tease rubbing his shoulders.

Dallas grins. "Thank you. That's why I chose to marry you."

"Anyway," Jamal cleared his throat. "I'm fucking Sevyn and marrying Lexi."

"Aww." Lexi coo'd.

"Damn so I'm just a booty call to you Jamal?" Sevyn says while pretending to be hurt.

"Hell yes!" Shad instigated making Sevyn flick him off.

"Alright, I got one for you then Sevyn." Jamal smirks while eating a few of the candy they had sitting out along with snacks. "You got Steve Harvey, Eddie Murphy and Cedric the Entertainer."

"Ugh." Lexi and I pretend to gag as Sevyn squinted her eyes at Jamal.

"All old niggas too." TJ says while they laugh.

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