Chapter 34: Monica

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I peaked out my room and into the halls as everyone started making their way out to the buses

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I peaked out my room and into the halls as everyone started making their way out to the buses. We had to be at the arena within the next hour but I needed to handle my business first. I don't even know where Genesis so called herself storming off to but I texted EJ to make sure she gets on the bus, I'll worry about her later.

Clenching my jaw I made a B line to a few rooms down from mine until I reached the right door. I didn't even respond to the few of my dancers that acknowledge me as I walked by and pounded on the door instead. I know she was in her room and could hear me because damn near the whole hotel heard me knocking.

"What the hell–?" Monica swung the door open as I pushed pasted her and slammed the door shut behind me.

"You just couldn't keep your fucking mouth closed, huh?" I scoff.

"What are you talking about now?"

"I told your ass to keep your motherfuckin distance from Genesis too, to stop talking to her but you don't fucking listen!"

"Let me guess," Monica smirks. "Genesis knows. Fina-fucking-lly." She laughs as she cross her arms over her chest and sits on the edge of her bed.

Lord, I know I've done some wrongdoings but this child is asking for it. Her damn devious ass smirks only added fumes to my fire.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I growled.

"YOU told me after Rihanna that you needed me. I was there for you and I understood when you told me you weren't ready for another relationship. And I WAITED!"

I squinted my eyes at her, "The fuck are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb, Chris. You knew I had strong feelings for you and I waited for you to pick me but all of a sudden she comes along and you're ready for a relationship." She paused as her voice cracked. "So if you came in here expecting me to feel bad or guilty that she knows, I don't! Matter of fact next time I see her I'll gladly tell her the whole truth." She huffs.

"Nah, no you won't. Pack your shit up cause this stop is gonna be your last." I growled through gritted teeth.

I wasn't even going to let her get to me. She's the reason why my last relationship with Robyn ended so badly and I'll be damn if I lose somebody else over her. We had a couple of meaningless flings and I honestly was high out my fucking mind most of the time.

"Are you firing me?" She stood up as I licked my lips and nodded. "You can't do that!"

"No? Well don't be surprised when you find out the buses left your ass." I spat, turning around to leave out the room.

"If you fire me then I'll gladly go to the press and tell them about the summer of '09!" She barked causing me to stop in my tracks.

Heat rose inside of me as I clenched my fist. Turning on my heels, I glared at Monica as she study my face for a reaction. By the grin that formed on her lips, she found what she was looking for.

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