Chapter 17: Body II Body

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Chris did the honors of stepping into the shallow end first with his hand still interlocked with Genesis' as he walked her into the pool. Genesis stepped into the shallow end willingly, it was when Chris started to go further she became skeptical.

It was going on 1 am and they had gotten back to the hotel not too long ago. After the studio they ended up going to Ace's loft and chilled there for a minute. Though Genesis spent most of her time occupied with her friend Nathan. Chris took it upon hisself to bring them back and start on something he promised he would.

"You gotta trust me, baby." Chris chuckled at Genesis tense posture, "Let's try something simple."

Chris released Genesis hand and placed his hands along her bare hip. Genesis gazed at Chris with a confused look but he quickly responded with a reassuring look. Of course, Genesis trusts him.

She truly believed nothing would happened to her whenever he's around. She wasn't sure if it was from the lingering, protective touch he gave her, or the passionate kisses they shared that constantly reminded her of how much he cares.

"I want you to lean back into my hands and I'm going to hold you up," Chris spoke softly as he held his arms out for Genesis to lay.

"Chris I can't float to save my life." Genesis sighs already giving up on the process.

"Just relax and try." Chris gave her a stern look causing Genesis to chew on her bottom lip as she leaned backwards into his hold. Chris held her up and balanced her body to be equally alined with the water.

A wide smile formed on Genesis lips when she realized she was actually floating. As a little girl Genesis could never get her body to fully relax enough to float above water. Chris chuckled to himself as he slowly moved his arms, one by one. When Genesis stayed afloat, he smiled and held his hands up.

Therefore once Genesis had notice Chris hands where no longer her support, her body tensed up instantly causing her to sink under. Chris caught on to the motion and quickly reached out for her just before her face went completely under.

"What happened? You were doing good!" Chris laughs as Genesis popped up from the water, giggling.

"I never thought I could float!" She wrapped her arms around Chris neck for support.

Chris smiled at the grin plastered on Genesis face from her small accomplishment. He stared down at her out of adoration, seeing as her hair clung to her cheeks that stretched from her permanent grin. He found it cute the way she attached her body to his, afraid of being in the 8 feet deep end.

Chris planted a kiss on her lips before removing her from around his neck, "C'mon, let's get into the actual swimming."

Genesis nodded and followed Chris instructions to lay flat on her stomach as he held her. She stared to kick her feet in a rapid motion while keeping her arms extended. As Chris spoke to her, she found herself staring at him in admiration.

"Who taught you how to swim?" She blurted completely interrupting his doggie paddle speech.

Chris blinked, slightly thinking back to the first time he had gotten into a pool.

"My biological father, actually. It was a point where he taught me how to do a little bit of everything. Saying that a man that knows how to do it all, is a man who can provide for his family."

Chris remembered how at age 10, his father tried to teach him how to change a tire. At age 5, he had Chris help cut the grass and taking the garbage out every morning. Chris looked up to his father because he taught him all the necessities a man should. Chris knew nothing about the rage he was capable of whenever his real father was around.

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