Chapter 41: Circle of Life

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Kinda don't like this update but ehh, wanted to give y'all something...


The last show is finally here of Chris' tour which is in LA. Not only is today the finale but it's also the day before Thanksgiving. This holiday actually means a lot to me because this will be Chris & I first thanksgiving together and in our new home. It also makes me more excited for Christmas which I love to get very festive for.

While Chris is in LA preparing for the show which is only the biggest one yet, I am back in Vegas to help Giana pack all her things. I am thankful to be in a position to move my sister in with me in LA, so that way I can help her throughout these next few months.

I sat stretched out on Logan and Wyatt's couch waiting for Giana to come down. While doing so I scrolled through Instagram seeing everyone posting throwbacks of the tour to mark it's last day. I smiled as I came across a picture that Dallas had me tagged in with some of the dancers.

 I smiled as I came across a picture that Dallas had me tagged in with some of the dancers

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Liked by sexilexi, chrisbrownofficial and 2,659 others

TheBigD_: Man I can't believe we have come to the end of the tour 😢. This pic alone should speak for the amount of fun we had on #FAMETOUR. #Throwback-no-Thursday to the Halloween show with the SQUAD. All we missing is my bro @chrisbrownofficial who wanted to prove @GenThompson he can take good pictures 😂.

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Chrisbrownofficial: and I did a damn good job too!

I snorted thinking back to that all those times Chris and I made petty bets just to have something to do. I was actually surprised at how well Chris took that picture because when I ask him to take single pictures of me, it'll always ends up blurry.

"I'm ready."

Looking up Giana stood before me fully dressed. I smiled softly at her and stood up, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

"I can't believe my baby sister is having a baby," I coo'd while pinching her cheeks.

When I got the news of Giana's pregnancy I was absolutely disappointed. Not just because she's so young but I know that now she can't experience the things I experienced anymore. She can no longer make decisions for only herself when she has a entire child to look after. But unlike my parents I want to be as helpful as I can. When the time comes and Giana wants to go off to college, it'll be hard but I'll do my best by trying to make it easier for her.

"Relax." She shoved me off as I snickered.

Logan then came skipping down in her usual scrub attire which only meant she was about to leave for work.

"I thought you were coming to the show tonight," I frowned figuring she would be off.

"I am, I get off at three. I switched shifts with Rachel ugly ass." She rolled her eyes, I shook my head.

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