Chapter 14: NYC

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My head was pounding from the lack of sleep I was dealing with. I sat in the back of the truck with my head in my hands the entire ride to the airport. I glanced to the right of me, seeing Genesis staring out the window while absentmindedly bringing her apple juice up to her lips and taking a sip. I poked her side causing her to scowl over at me before taking out her headphones and placing them in her ear.

I know she probably thinking a nigga bipolar as hell but I can't lie, I did overreact last night. I just hate when people throw things in my face unexpectedly. It was bad enough my day was already fucked and then TJ face just started to taunt me as I thought about him and Genesis.

When we got to the airport it took us no more than five minutes to get through security before we made it to the private plane my team rented. It was all of 6 in the morning and the airport was definitely dead. When we boarded onto the plane I notice Genesis trying to go sit over by EJ before I pulled her down next to me.

Tugging on her headphone I pout, "You don't wanna talk to me?"

"No." She said sternly trying to place the earbud back in her ears when I kissed my teeth and snatched her phone from her hands.

"Babe, come on, I'm sorry."


I chuckled dryly catching on to her one word responses.

"Nah forreal, listen to me. I completely blew everything out of proportion last night, and I apologize. I should've never let that nigga get under my skin, I just really hate when people can throw shit in my face." I shrugged as I leaned back. "I guess I was embarrassed at the fact that he could hold something like that over my head."

"You?" She scoffs as she tilted her head to the side as if somebody said they could beat anybody ass in here. "Chris how do you think I feel with someone tweeting out my business? It was a mistake and nothing like everyone is trying to insinuate—including you."

I bit my lip recalling how I basically tried to call her what she is far from. Shit was fucked up and honestly unfair for me to even claim. Seeing as I had my fair share before, it was hypocritical for me to even think that way.

"I hear you, forreal. It was inconsiderate from the both of us." I mentioned referring to TJ as I shook my head. "So we good?"

Genesis turned so that she was facing me. "Just promise me that we'll communicate better next time. I should've just told you what was up instead of getting all defensive."

"I promise." I say while holding out my pinky finger. Genesis glanced down at my hand before smiling to herself as she latched her pinky onto mine. "Now, you gotta kiss it."

"What?" She furrowed her eyebrows together as I brought my lips up to my thumb, demonstrating what I meant. "Only you, I swear." She laughs as she kissed the other end as we tighten our promise.

I smiled while resting my head against her shoulder. I was relieved that the tension between us was gone since for this trip it was mainly just us and my team. I usually bring the gang but decided to bring them out later in the week just to have some alone time with Genesis. Though she acts accustom to the guys always being around us, I know sometimes it can get annoying. I just like to look out for them, if I'm eating they eating.

"You ready to have fun with yo man?" I joked as I brought her body closer to mine. Genesis scrunched her nose as she mugged me.

"I guess so." She shrugged while unlocked her phone.

I raised my eyebrow. "Oh really? What about all those messages you sent me..." I took her phone out of her hand and went to our message history. "Oh Chris, I can't wait for New York with you. I hope we get to eat here or I hope our hotel has large bed for you to spread my legs—"

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