Chapter 10: Brother

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I gulped since the second time today, I dealt with an awkward ride home. When TJ pulled up to my house, I stared at his side frame wondering what he could be thinking.

"Are you going to say something?" I asks as he cut the car off.

"What does he have that I don't?" He spoke abruptly.


"Is it the name? Because Chris and I are about the same, his name is just big. It's the thought of being with 'Chris Brown'." He says while using air quotes on Chris name.

"It's not even like that. I mean with him...things sort of just happened. I never meant to affect you or our friendship."

He scoffs. "You played me." I raised my eyebrow.

"Huh? TJ I genuinely care for you,"

"Yet, you bugged me to meet my homies. Then the second you met him you threw all options of being with me out the window to get with him. It's been obvious." He huffed. "At the video shoot you kept acting weird when they asked about us. Shit, you been scheming!"

"Okay, listen." I sighed. "I promise you I had no intentions on using you in any kind of way. I only wanted to meet them to get to know you better, I didn't actually care who your friends were. I knew you before all of them, you're like my best friend."

"But you knew I was feeling you. You let me fly you out and take you out all while you was feeling my patna."

"I did that because I wanted to give you an actual chance to see if we could be something more. I never intended on being with Chris like that." I spoke truthfully.

"That night of our date, if Jamal never walked in on you, would you have slept with him? Even though you were just with me and kissing me not even hours earlier."

I feared that he would ask me that question. I anticipated that if I told the truth, our friendship would be ruined for good. But also if I lied, he'll eventually find out the truth.

I glanced down at my lap and nodded, afraid to see his reaction. He made things sound so much worst than they actually were. Chris and I both knew keeping us hidden from TJ would keep from things getting complicated. He mumbled under his breath as he reached beside him to unlock the doors.

"I'm sorry, TJ. Through it all I never meant to hurt you. I wanted to tell face to face tonight so you can see how genuine I am."

He shook his head. "You wanted to tell me tonight because you knew I'll eventually find out. Don't try to better yourself in this situation, shorty, 'cause you're foul. I should've known what it was when I brought you around my homies, but it's coo. Shut my door softly on the way out." He waved me off.

I frowned as he turned to face the road as if he was to ignore me. Once I stepped out of his car, he sped off just like his friend. I shook my head knowing I should feel bad but I didn't. TJ was just hurt and he'll get over it and come to realize what he felt for me wasn't even real. I don't know if we will ever be as cool as we were before, but I do believe that he'll get over it.

I made my inside as my phone went off showing me a video message from Logan. Raising my eyebrow, I clicked on the video to see her and Serenity running down the street. Both of their hair seems wet from either sweat or water as Serenity was in the back holding her earrings and heels. I read the message attached to it saying; "we shut that hoe down".

I laughed to myself since they really went back into the club trying to fight.


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