Chapter 29: Desperado

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"Here we have marble countertops, the kitchen being very updated

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"Here we have marble countertops, the kitchen being very updated."

Chris and I followed our realtor hand-in-hand, as she reviewed the fourth house with us. We got up slightly earlier than usual to do some house hunting since Chris has rehearsals at one and I still planned on meeting up with Sevyn. Sevyn's friend actually informed her that he can only meet around lunch which so happens to be perfect for us.

We stood on the balcony looking out onto the back yard. Before searching, we made a list of things we must have in a house. We both found a spacious yard with a pool essential . As well as privacy, nothing too close to neighbors for miles. I personally appreciate something more on the modern side while Chris prefers more contemporary architecture.

Since it's just going to be the two of us and his dogs, I don't want anything too big. Three bedrooms being the maximum. On the other hand, Chris felt like bigger is better. Even though his ass barely cleans up anything, we came to agreement on a simple home. Nothing too grand but not bland either.

"I'll give you two some space to look around. If you have any questions for me, I'll be out front."

I nod, "Thank you, Gina." Smiling I glance up at Chris who focused more on his hands roaming my waist. "What do you think?"

"I like it." He shrugs looking around the open space.

I scoff. "Chris you said that about the last three houses. I need a little more than that." Chris pursed his lips.

"What do you think?"

I chewed on my bottom lip taking in my surroundings. The neighborhood was quiet and the house gave me lowkey vibes. From the outside you could tell someone possibly rich lives here, but will never guess that Chris does. I appreciated that factor because at Chris' place right now, we constantly deal with strangers ringing the doorbell. Yelling and asking "does Chris Brown live here" outside the door. Because of that Chris rarely answers his own door.

Although the exterior looked pretty big, the interior was perfect. Throughout the tour Gina showed us that the house is three bed, two and a half bath, a large kitchen and dining room. A office/studio which was requested on Chris' list for his spray paintings. Then a balcony, spacious backyard with a infinity pool. It was the best of both worlds. On the outside was Chris' contemporary build and the inside is modern.

"It's kinda perfect." I smile. Though the other houses we seen were really nice too, I was definitely leaning more towards this one.

"Great. Let's go get Jessica and tell her we'll buy."

I furrowed my eyebrows and pressed my hand against his chest, preventing him from leaving out. "It's Gina, Chris." I crossed my arms over my chest. "You're not really into this are you?"

"Honestly, nah I'm not." He scratched the back of his head. "Ion really know what we looking at. Any house that comes with bedrooms and bathrooms is cool with me."

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