Winter formal, or should I say 'Snow Ball'

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Tonight was the night of the formal/ball. Just a few days ago Will explained that he actually wanted to take Lisa to the formal... I understood and couldn't be more happier for one of my best friends.

I examined myself in the mirror. It was already 6:49 pm and the dance starts and opens the doors at 7pm. I did my make up and basically dolled myself up for no one, I had no date. My outfit was dope tho, had on a emerald gown which had a mermaid tail type of style, fit my body type well.

I applied one more coat of my smacker lip balm and just faked a smile at myself in the mirror,

"You'll have fun tonight. Hopefully." You whispered. I snapped out of my thoughts when my mom called for me, she was yelling from downstairs.

"Let's go Y/N!" She yelled out. I exhaled and turned around, I was ready to have a ball tonight.

The 12 minute drive to school was painful, mom kept asking me why Mike wasn't getting ready at our house for the ball, she wanted photos of us together.

"Look! Mom, Me and Mike." I stopped my mouth, I was going to blab out that we were over... but, we actually weren't, I was just distancing myself from him because of the jealousy. It was clear that I was his second priority lately.

"You and Mike what?" Mom asked, I coughed and licked my lips.

"We just don't like photos." I replied, she nodded her head slowly. I realised she parked the car and we were right outside the school gym. I said my goodbyes to my mom and headed out of the car.

"Hey pretty lady." A voice cooed from in front of me, I smirked at Dustin as he stepped out of the famous Steve Harrington's car. I chuckled at him and examined the hair style, a few steps I took just to touch the gracious hair style.

"That's a lot of hair spray." I mumbled smiling, Dustin smiled and I dipped my head into the window of Steve's car.

"You've transformed him dude. Master skills with the hair" I spoke and fist bumped Steve, Steve just chuckled.

"You two have fun. Use your pearls Dustin, just don't Prrr at ladies." Steve mentioned. I raised my brows and just insisted we go arm in arm into the snow ball.

"By the way, You look gorgeous tonight." Dustin mumbled as we made our way into the school gym, I blushed and thanked the pearly boy.

As we stepped into the gym I examined the blue balloons, the streamers, the photo booth that was being directed by Jonathan.

"This is so pretty." I mumbled under my breath. Both, me and Dustin made our way to our party who were sitting at a table.

"Holy shit what happened to you?" Mike spoke referring to Dustin's hair style, the boys just smiled as Dustin gave us a little 360 spin. Mike then stared at me, he grinned and stepped closer.

"Y-you look amazing." He spoke, I gulped and thanked him, I looked up into his eyes and instantly felt butterflies.... Until his eyes scanned right behind me. I knew what his focus was on, I slowly turned around and felt my heart drop. She looked so beautiful, Of course Mike would be staring, she probably, well obviously took his breath away, because he walked over to her.

I rolled my eyes and sat down at the table. I huffed a breath of air and wished I was at home, doing something that didn't involve stupid love. Just from her stares and glares, I knew that El didn't like me. She never did, she was the one who tripped me up and then never introduced herself to me when we officially met.

I sat there just listing all the reasons why I disliked Mike and El together... He doesn't really know her, and when she left him, I had to build him up again... and for what? For nothing? Because she came back and he suddenly forgets all about me. It seems like he's throwing away the time we had, like it meant nothing to him. I was just his re-bound.

It was a bad idea from the beginning, to even start dating your best friend, should've just stayed friends.  When I was new to this school, he was all I had, until I met the others... but now, it's different.

I looked up and stopped fiddling with my shaking hands and saw everyone slow dancing... I scanned the room and felt pain just staring at Mike with his arms wrapped around el. Both smiling, her head leaned into him. They looked like a perfect couple.

"It's time to let you go." Was what I repeated, I even mumbled it under my breath un-expectedly. The worse was yet to come, I flared my nostrils and stood up slowly as Mike then leaned in to kiss el.

I blinked out my tears and exhaled. I clenched my jaw and pushed past people, I needed air.

I started running towards the entry/exit and heard as Nancy called my name out, she must of seen me. I ran out and gripped onto my hair just frustrated, I knew that he never loved me. I wanted someone to love me, that's all I asked for, I wanted my best friend to love me back.

"Y/N!" Nancy yelled out, I turned around and heard her voice, I decided to start running, I couldn't handle anyone at the moment. I started running to the field of the school and kept running, I passed the field and headed straight into the woods, I just needed to run somewhere... somewhere I can be alone. I felt as my mascara ran down my cheeks as I kept running, I got so angry and tripped up. Landing face first into sticks and rocks was the least of my worries, I cuddled up to a tree and hated myself.

Nancy POV

I followed behind and made my way outside. I called her name out and looked around, suddenly I spotted a familiar car.

I knocked on the window.

"Steve. Have you seen Y/N? She ran out crying and I can't find her?!" I mentioned worried, Steve gulped and nodded a no.

"I didn't see her. But I'll help look now." He spoke before hoping out of his car and grabbing his flash light

-chapter 3

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