don't do this

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Mike was angry at me about my decision.

I laid there just staring up at the white ceiling in my recovery room. Outside my room sat the whole party (excluding El), the older siblings, even including Hopper with Joyce.

What was I going to tell mom if something bad happened to me? I couldn't get hold of her while she was in NY for her job, And she wasn't going be back until another 2 weeks, I'll just hope that I am strong enough to close this portal.

I blinked and closed my eyes shut.

A couple knocks were presented, I opened my eyes and examined as Joyce walked in, her soft smile made me smile.

"They need you for testing in 2 hours, so I'm here to inform you that they're prepaying food for you so you have strength later." Joyce spoke as she walked over, I thanked her and sat up properly. Joyce joined me and sat on the bottom of my hospital bed.

"Joyce. If, I don't, well, If I'm not strong enough tomorrow when I close the gate and something goes wrong... Can you tell my mom I'm sorry, I didn't want to leave her, just let her know how much I love her." I explained crying, I felt as Joyce brought me into a hug.

"Shhh, It's okay. I will tell her everything. It's okay." Joyce spoke as she calmed me down.

Then I thought about Mike. I thought about everything we went through together, the day we met, the moment he asked me to be his girlfriend and the night he broke my heart. Followed by those thoughts, I thought about how different it will be for my friends when I'm no longer here. One seizure or stroke and I'm gone, just using my powers will make me overworked, I can be gone any moment.

Mike POV

I kept pacing back and forth down the halls.

"Mike, stop over thinking- NANCY, Over thinking? Really? Y/N is thinking about doing something that will get her killed, she wants to jump start her death... she can't leave me." I replied just staring at my sister as I cut her off.

Nancy ran over to hug me and I just broke down.

"She made a choice. Support her." Nancy whispered, I nodded a no.

"Be there for her Mike, if this is what she wants, then help her get through it. You're her best friend, even with all the bullshit you two had together. I want you to stand by her side, let her know she's special to you." Nancy explained, I nodded my head in agreement.

"I can't lose her, again. I lost her when I cheated, I shouldn't have done it. I was so caught up in my feelings." I cried out. Nancy smiled at me,

"Mike, appreciate what Y/N's doing for El. She's doing this so then El wouldn't have to, she's looking out for her." Nancy explained, I gulped and thought about Eleven.

I felt as more arms joined in our hug, it was the entire party.


I took my last bite of my prepared food and enjoyed my company with the party, every single second and moment meant a lot to me. Everyone was positive and kept coming up with comments that I was strong enough for this.

"Where did Mike go exactly?" I asked as I realised he wasn't back yet, he said he needed to get something.

" I don't know where he went, he'll be back soon." Dustin mentioned, I nodded my head and just pushed my food tray away, I was done eating.

As my friends continued laughing and smiling just relaxing in my room I just zoned out and thought about my future... I was never going to have one if I didn't make it, no wanted career, no kids, no husband. I was going to end my life at (your required age)....

"Y/N?" Steve spoke, I snapped out of my thoughts and realised everyone was walking out of my room.

"We're going to leave you and Mike alone, we'll see you before they start testing." Steve spoke, I agreed and waved at everyone, I then caught my glance at Mike who was at the end of my bed.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked, Mike gulped and walked around to my left, he sat down on the chair next to my bed and placed his back pack on the floor.

"I'm not mad at you, just your decision. But, just know that I support your choice, and I'm here to be by your side." Mike spoke, I smiled at him and reached out for his hand.

"When you came after me yesterday, I was so happy to see you. I was so scared when they took me, I thought I wouldn't see you again." I mumbled, Mike gripped onto my hand harder.

"I kept my promise. I'd keep you safe and come after you...Y/N, I said I'd support you, but just please think about it some more, I love you so much, I don't want you to do it." He replied, I licked my lips.

"Mike, I love you too. B-but if you were in my place you would do the same thing, you would want me safe right? Well I'm doing this for you, because I do love you. I'm making sure you and El continue on." I explained, he just wiped his tears and nodded a no.

"Don't do this to me. I can't lose you." He mumbled, I inhaled and exhaled.

"This is hard for me Mike, one day I was an average teen just wanting her boyfriend back, and then out of nowhere I received powers or abilities that overwork my brain and that can kill me, now I'm in Hawkins Lab waiting to be tested so I can close a gate to the upside down ." I responded.

Mikes sniffles became quite loud.

He looked down at our holding hands, I saw the tears escape his eyes.

"Do you remember when, when I was sick and I had the flu? You'd always stay home with me and take care of me. Give me my medication, force feed me, and take my temperature. I miss the old times, I liked it better when our only problem had something to do with normal teen stuff. I didn't think I could ever end up in Hawkins Lab." I explained, Mike looked up at me.

"Y/N, you never allowed me to do this... I want to apologise for what I did to you. I want you to know that I love you, I still do and all I did was allow my old feelings to take over. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I don't know what I'm going to do if you're not in my life." Mike mumbled out.

I blinked out my tears.

"You'll have El by your side Mike, you two are really great. I apologise for all the shit I did. I'm glad she's with you, she makes you happy and smile, you have this certain smile you put on when she's with you." I replied, Mike just grinned and grabbed something from out of his bag. He pulled out the album I made him and placed it on the bed.

"You make me happy." He whispered as he handed it to me, I smiled with tears and opened up the memory album. I patted for him to join me on my bed.

-chapter 13
-Mike just wants his girl back, he wants his life back.

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