take it easy

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Mike POV

Each step I took towards the recovery level I broke into pieces, I felt shattered and defeated. I was so angry with myself, I was angry at her for doing this, I was angry at the world and hated how this happened. I don't know.

I brushed past my friends and rushed to the recovery room where she was placed, I watched through the door window and analysed the room. A bunch of people were trying to shock her with the heart defibrillators.
I held my hand up to my mouth just traumatised by what was happening. I felt the tears stream and I turned around so I didn't see what was happening. Nancy held me in her arms. The cries of everyone filled the building halls.
Dr. Brenner then exited the recovery room where they were trying to revive Y/N , I walked towards him with clenched fists.

"YOU! She's in this position because of you." I spoke and started throwing punches, I hit him a couple times until Steve had to hold me back.

"We're trying Mike- TRY HARDER." I said interrupting this dipshit, I calmed down and felt as my chest kept rising up and down from my hyperventilating.

"Mike, Take it easy." Steve whispered towards me, I nodded a no and escaped his grip.

The recovery room doors opened. I looked inside to see that she was still un-conscious... Gripping onto my hair, I swear I could've gone bald due to how hard I was pulling. Each step I took, I made my way into the recovery room and over to her side, my hands gripped onto hers and I interlocked fingers. I could only hear the screaming and crying coming from outside in the Hall ways.

"Time of death, 8:32 pm. I'm sorry. " An assistant spoke as he placed the heart defibrillator to the side. I shook my head and wanted her in my arms.

"Y/N, please. You can't leave me. I promised.
I promised." I cried over and over. The rest of the party then joined the room, they couldn't handle seeing her lifeless body, I mean who could...

I closed my eyes and thought about the times I had with her, the time she spent christmas' with me, the time she would play with my hair, the way she would cuddle me, and the time when we were that careless couple in the gym looking for that stupid creature.

I wasn't ready to say goodbye.

I felt as Nancy placed her hand on my shoulder and turned me around so she could hug me.

"She loved you so much." Nancy whispered into the hug, I nodded my head in agreement. And then, the lights flickered, they continued to flicker for a while. On-Off, On-Off.... Was it Y/N?
About 10 seconds later, we heard some growling noises... "shit" was all that came to my mind.

"Guys. Guys?" Max spoke.

The lights had finally stopped flickering. I slowly turned, Y/N's body was no longer there....

"Oh shit. Shit. WHERE'D SHE GO?" I yelled out frustrated.

-chapter 16

This was short I know, but hey. The last chapter wasn't the final.

Backwards / / Mike Wheeler Where stories live. Discover now