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Mike POV

I pulled away from kissing el. I felt the same feeling I got when we kissed in the cafeteria on the night I lost her. I felt as she tightened her grip onto me... what was I going to tell Y/N? I felt bad but I missed el, well Y/N should understand... she knows how much I love Eleven.

"Mike!" Nancy yelled, I raised my brow and watched as my sister made her way over to me and El.

"We need to talk, privately." She demanded and pulled me aside, I licked my lips and wondered why she needed this private talk. Before speaking she collected the rest of the boys, including Max... why didn't she include El?

"Y/N ran off. I can't find her. I don't want her getting into trouble or hurt. We need to find her and leave this dance, do a search. We won't involve Hopper." Nancy explained, Dustin nodded in agreement and was about to run off when I stopped him in his tracks.

"I'm sure she's fine- Wow. Good boyfriend you are." He interrupted, I gulped and clenched my jaw.

"You guys know she's fine. She always does this to catch air." I replied, Will stepped forward.

"You should be smart enough to know that she is hurting... Your girlfriend isn't okay, and if you can't see that then your just a jerk. If you can't be her boyfriend at the moment, then at least be her friend. Help us look." Will replied before walking off with the party.

Steve POV

We walked onto the field, Nancy and the others stared at me.

"We'll check the woods. I don't care if it's dark, she's not going to end up on a missing poster." I demanded, Lucas nodded his head in agreement and I clenched my jaw just hoping she would show up soon.


I cried in pain, my heart was broken. I examined my bruises on my legs and the fresh cuts all over them, I felt as blood dripped from my cheek and forehead... I must of scratched my face when I landed onto the rocks and sticks.

"No one loves you." That sentence I kept repeating over and over again, I wasn't worth anything...


Voices yelled, I saw a flash light shining through the tree's and heard the familiar voices. I cried some more and felt like I was so alone.

"I'm all alone. " I kept whispering, then familiar faces showed up. Steve bent down to hug me.

"Look what you've done, You've injured yourself. What's wrong Y/N? " Steve spoke, I continued whispering over and over again.

"You're not alone." Steve and the others re-assured. I felt as Will, Dustin, Lucas, Max and Nancy hugged me while I was still in Steve's arms... of course, Mike wasn't there.

"Mike kissed El." I mumbled, everyone just stepped back and raised their brows. "He doesn't love me" I screamed and cried, I fell back onto my knees and felt as Steve tried to pick me up again, I continued crying.

"Let me die. No one loves me." I screamed as my eyes shut close and the tears came out.

"Shh, your wrong, we all love you Y/N" everyone mumbled, I felt as they came close to me again, they had calmed me down finally.

Steve POV

I drove her home and made sure she was in bed, Nancy helped out with tucking her in. I stood outside of the hallway near Y/N's room and was talking to her mom.

"Thank you for bringing her home." He mom spoke with a genuine smile, I nodded in agreement.

"Make yourselves at home if you want to stay over, you know the deal. I'm off to bed Harrington." Mrs Y/L/N explained, I smiled and replied with a "Goodnight."

The door opened and Nancy came out.

"She finally went to sleep." She whispered, I folded my arms and grinned.

"Good. She needs rest." I replied, Nancy agreed and walked over to me.

"I can't believe Mike. He's dating Y/N and then tonight at the snow ball he kisses El. He didn't even end it with Y/N yet... I know he loves Y/N, I mean, he wouldn't shut up about her when they started dating. He has feelings for two people." Nancy explained, I gulped and faced her.

"Name another Wheeler who had that problem." I joked referring to her. She laughed and slightly hit me.

"I don't know what he wants but, I sure hope Y/N can get over him if he chooses El." I explained, Nancy raised her brows and glared at me.

"Steve. Mikes already chosen, he kissed El tonight. It's pretty obvious. I hope she can get over it quickly." Nancy spoke. I agreed.


I clenched my jaw and laid in my bed in the dark just listening to their voices. Nancy and Steve were right outside my door,

"Steve. Mikes already chosen, he kissed El tonight. It's pretty obvious. I hope she can get over it quickly." Nancy explained to Steve. I inhaled and exhaled just flash backing to when Mike and El kissed. I gulped.

I was thinking that tomorrow... I change my style a bit , I wear more make up to school and buy more skirts. I'm going to become a whole new Y/N and try and forget the old me who was in love with Michael Wheeler.

"Re-inventing time." I mumbled to myself

-chapter 4

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