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Mike POV

Yesterday was difficult, she had her powers tested for a straight 3-4 hours, they basically made her more weak. It was hard seeing her so weak and tired.
I went home last night for a while and phoned El, she understood what was going on, and then after that I made my way back to the lab so I could stay with Y/N.

It was now the morning of the day that they wanted her to close the gate, they had explained last night that she simply just needed to go into the main gate and into the upside down to check if their was more gates to close in the upside down , and if there wasn't any then all she nodded to do was close the main gate.

I sat up from the chair and clicked my back and neck, I examined the fast asleep Y/N in her bed, I smiled to myself and held her hand. I looked beside her on the other side of the bed to see Steve and Dustin knocked out on the couch area. Next door was another room that had the rest of the party, they were probably still fast asleep.

As I sat there staring at her, I got deep into my thoughts. I decided that I wanted to go with her into the upside down, I'm going to stay true to my words of standing by her side... I am going to stand by her when she closes the gate.

She started moving and waking up, her eyes fluttered up and she glanced at me. Her soft smile showed and I blushed majorly.


I was weaker today and in pain, my body was sore. I didn't tell mike about my pain because I don't want him worrying about me. I tried sitting up properly in my bed and felt nothing but pain, I felt like my body was going to shatter, my temperature was dropping as well, it got really cold all of a sudden.

"You okay?" Will asked me, I licked my lips and nodded my head just faking it. I gave him a smile as he walked up to my bed,

"What do you want for breakfast? Or what do you want to eat? We could buy you some fast food even? Anything you want is yours? You want ice cream?" Will spoke, I chuckled and just grinned.

"Some, pancakes and a couple bagels would be nice. Thank you." I replied, Will smiled at me and I hugged him.

"I'll tell Steve about the bagel request, I'll be back." Will mentioned, I nodded my head.

"Get me some too." Lucas mentioned, I smiled at my friends and Will agreed to getting a bunch of bagels.

Mike POV

This morning when we had breakfast it was quiet and peaceful. I couldn't eat because I was to nervous about what was going to happen in a couple hours.

It was now after lunch and in an hour or so they were going to load up some adrenaline and some energy fluids into Y/N's IV so she could be strong for the gate closing.

I hated sitting around and doing nothing, I needed something to distract me, all I could do was keep worrying about later on. Y/N woke up from her nap and sat up, she gave me a look and asked if I was okay.

"Are you okay? By the looks of your face it's seems like your gazing off, your facial expressions are blank."She spoke, I grinned lightly and re-positioned myself in the chair.

"I was just, yeah, gazing off." I replied, Y/N looked around the room. She winched in pain and held her hand up to her head,

"What's wrong?" I asked worried, she nodded a no.

"Just sore head. I feel like my heads so heavy. Anyway, I'm good, where are the others?" She asked, I stood up and helped her sit up again.

"Their next door, they though they'd leave and give you some nap quiet time." I replied smirking at her, Y/N just giggled.

"And you stayed?" She whispered, I stared at her and agreed.

"I could never leave." I mumbled back. She mouthed a "thank you" and leaned her head back.

"Y/N?" I mumbled, she raised her brows as I called out her name.

"Yeah?" She whispered, I blinked and looked down. I was too nervous to even ask her this, but I wanted to.

"Could you slow dance with me? I never got to dance with you at the formal... You can say no, I know that you're tired and you don't have to agre- Yeah, I will." She replied interrupting me. I smiled softly and watched as she began slowly pulling off the blanket. She also turned on the radio that was on the other side of her bed, I chuckled at her cuteness. Calming music started playing, it was perfect.

I helped her untangle her legs from the sheets and slowly helped her stand, I felt as she held onto me.

"I can put you down, it's okay.- No, Mike. I want to." She whispered. I held her close to me and felt as her head leaned into my chest.

I was basically holding her up, we swayed side to side and I enjoyed having her in my arms. I felt as she gripped tighter onto me so that she couldn't fall... How was she suppose to be strong enough to close a gate later? She can't even slow dance with me. It broke me down.

"I've decided, that, I'm going into the upside down with you." I mumbled, she nodded her head and looked up at me.

"No. Stay where it's safe- No, I'm going with you." I said interrupting her, she just blinked and rested her head back onto my chest.

"You're insane, Mike Wheeler." She mumbled weakly.

A smile appeared on my face, this was a good moment with her in my arms.

-chapter 14
-the slow dancing part made me smile so much

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