Final moments

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Mike POV

"It's time." One of the assistants spoke. I felt my heart drop and I turned to face Y/N. I cupped her cheeks and felt my tears run down, she gave me a look of 'It's time for me to go'. I felt my heart shatter into pieces, I stared at my girl.

"I love you" I mouthed then smiled, she nodded her head, next thing I did was connect my lips with hers... As we kissed I felt my tears increase, we pulled away from kissing and I gave her one last hug.

"Mike, I have to go." She whispered, I nodded a no. Suddenly I felt arms grip onto me, there was men holding me back. I had let go of Y/N... no....

I started screaming and yelling,

"Get off of me you assholes. Please. I need her, I NEED HER" I yelled over and over, I felt as they dragged me out of the room. My eyes watered even more and as I got dragged out, I saw the look on
Y/N's face, "I love you" she mouthed back.

I got placed in a room where the others were.

"LET ME GO WITH HER PLEASE. I NEED TO HELP HER." I yelled crying, I felt as Hopper grabbed me, I tried escaping his grip but he was stronger.

"I need to see her, she can't leave me." I cried into his chest, Hopper kept trying to calm me down.

"I don't w-want to say goodbye." I mumbled and choked onto my words. The whole party wrapped their arms around me and calmed me down,

"We feel the same..." Nancy mentioned.


They assisted me to the lab where the portal was open, I changed into a jumpsuit that had a helmet and everything.

Dr. Brenner went over the plan with me,

"We'll give you this walkie talkie. If you need more assistance just tell us. Keep us informed on what you see down there and if you find any more gates." He explained, I agreed as he handed me the walkie... I thought about Mike, I exhaled and entered the lab area where there was floating ash. Two other men were assisting me incase I needed any help. The entrance to the upside down looked weird and scary. I had my walkie in my hands and I was ready as ever to enter the upside down.

We now entered the upside down. I examined the dim area, everything was so dark and cold here. I swayed side to side and felt really heavy, this was a bad sign... I was weak.

The men followed me as I kept walking around. I tried looking for any gates that were open.

"Still looking for any more gates or portals. I don't see any in sight, but I'll keep looking. Over." I spoke into the walkie.

"Okay, just make sure you keep your eyes open." Dr. Brenner replied. I blinked and felt my eye lids become heavy, I shook my head a little to wake myself up. Each step I took the more I felt weak and ready to pass out, but I kept in mind that this was for my friends and Mike. He was my motivation.

Basically the upside down here in Hawkins Lab looked exactly like Hawkins Lab, just dark and cold. We were walking along level 3 and I saw a bright light they shined, I started speed walking and examined the small portal that was placed on the wall.

"Found a portal. Going to close it." I spoke into the walkie.

"Will this be easy for you?" One of the men asked me, I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know. But it may take some time, so make sure to keep an eye out. There could be something living down here still..." I replied, he nodded his head and both of them held on tightly to their guns.

So I began. I kept all my focus on the portal and tried my best to close it, I could feel the energy being taken out of me. I kept yelling and screaming due to the pain and frustration of trying to close this gate. I could even feel the blood drip out of both of my nostrils...

As the portal finally closed, I stumbled back a little and lost balance. I fell on my back and looked up, there was no sign of the two men... Where did they go? Shit.

I got sudden chills. I looked left and right as I slowly sat up.

*clicking noises in the distance, even a growl*

I held the walkie up to my mouth.

"Do you copy? The two men assisting me are nowhere to be found, also I'm not alone down here. I can hear noises. OVER." I spoke into the walkie.

"Y/N. Abort now, make your way back to us." A lab assistant spoke, Dr. Brenner agreed over the walkie.

I stood up and winced out of pain. I tried my best speed walking to where I came from, but I noticed another portal... I had to close it, I didn't obey what they had told me to do. If I die then I die, simple.

I was half way through closing this portal, I could feel a presence behind me, it felt like this thing kept zooming past me...

I could hear it.

As soon as I closed this portal I turned around as fast as I could to see nothing, suddenly a growl echoed from somewhere and I just kept walking. My vision became blurry and my head felt heavier as ever.

I could see the portal from where I came from, I continued stumbling as I made my way towards the exit/entry. I had no feeling in my legs whatsoever, I dropped to the ground and felt like I bruised so much....

I held the walkie to my mouth.

"I'm... near, the exit. Im on the ground, me" I spoke into the walkie.

"Got it." The assistant spoke back, I could feel my eyes become more droopy. I decided to start pinching myself to keep myself awake.

I examined as more people came inside quickly just to pull me out. I must of broken a rib by my fall because I was sore in my abdomen area when they picked me up.  They brought me out of the upside down and I fell from their grip.

They tried taking me to the recovery level but I purposely dropped so I could close this damn portal for good.

I closed my eyes and focused on closing this gate. My blood dripping from my nose and ears.

Mike POV

It's been 2 hours since she left me. And it's been 15 minutes since Hopper went to go talk to Dr. Brenner.

I sat in the room just shaking both my legs, I kept replaying memories of me and Y/N that whole 2 hours, I would smile and laugh, and then start crying just thinking about her.

Hopper suddenly busted through the doors.

"She's in the recovery right now." He spoke as he entered the room , I stood up and gulped.

"She started seizing and passed out. She's no longer breathing and their trying to revive her. They've been trying for 2 minutes. " Hopper spoke.

I blinked out my tears and cried even more. I fell to my knee's as the room filled with cries and screaming... this wasn't the ending I wanted.

-Chapter 15 part 2

Backwards / / Mike Wheeler Where stories live. Discover now