busy night

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-I know the song isn't an 80's party song but this is the song I imagine is playing. 🧡💛

(Couple days later)
I swayed side to side and enjoyed the music blasting through the Harrington house. This house party was everything I needed, I gripped onto the beer cup I had... yeah yeah, I know I wasn't legal to have beer but whatever, there's kids who smoke at my age and drink so why not give it a try... I wasn't drunk, just tipsy that's all. I think. Ha.

I didn't even know some of the boys at this party, they probably were from a town over who were friends with Steve.

I kept on dancing and having a blast until a hand grabbed onto my arm, dragging me out of the dancing crowd and out into the backyard near the swimming pool.

"Y/N? What are you doing here? This is a seniors party?! Have you been drinking? I didn't know you were here? Your ass is in trouble." Steve explained, I shrugged my shoulders and watched as Steve took the beer out of my hands.

"I-I was invited by, your great friend. TOMMY H." I yelled the last part, the people outside yelled in excitement. The party was wild.

"You need to go home. Okay, go rest. You can't be here. Let me drive you- STEVE, come inside, there's a fight between Billy and Tom!" Carol yelled interrupting Steve. I huffed and rolled my eyes.

Fine, I'll walk home.

Luckily the Harrington house was close to my house... if I took the back way through the woods.

The night moon shined through the trees as I walked through the woods, I raised my brow as the cold air came in contact with my skin. I could feel myself become dizzy and un-aware of my surroundings. As I continued walking the sound of the house party music became more faint. Suddenly everything became completely silent, wow this alcohol had me tripping on some weird shit.

I looked around me and there was no sound, then the sound of static came and I bent down on my knees just in pain cause it was so loud. Then it disappeared.

"Some buzzy alcohol." I mumbled to myself. I then continued walking.

Steve POV

I went looking for her everywhere in the party.

"Nancy. She was here, now she's gone. Hopefully she didn't leave with someone...." I mentioned pissed off, Nancy nodded in agreement.

"She probably decided to walk home. Look, I'll call Mike, I know he's still awake. I'll ask him to bike to her house to see if she's there. You don't want to leave this party un-attended with drunk teens." Nancy explained, I agreed and decided that I'd call mike.

I ran into the house for the phone.

A couples rings later and the Wheeler house hold picked up.

"Mike. Y/Ns intoxicated. She left my house party and I need to know if she's safely home, can you check? I know her moms out of town for a job so she's home alone." I explained then hung up. I hung up so he couldn't give me an excuse on why he couldn't do this one job.

Mike POV

I placed the phone down, I walked past the stair case and placed on my coat.

"Mom, Dad. I'm going to Y/N's house. I'll be back shortly, if not, I'll be sleeping at hers." I explained, I examined mom who was doing her nails and dad who was just reading the news paper. I rolled my eyes and left the house.

I began biking and made it to her house. I examined the drunk girl trying to open the door to her house, she couldn't figure out which key it was to place in the key hole.

"Y/N." I spoke, she turned around and raised her brows.

"Ouu it's Michael. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be building forts.." she mentioned then giggled, I parked my bike and rolled my eyes. I walked over to her and tried helping but she pushed me away.

"Stop helping me. I'm grown to be a d-door opener." She spoke not making sense at all, I could smell the alcohol as she said that sentence.

After a while she let me open the door and help her inside. She kept on giggling and smiling at me, then the next minute she'd shove me away.

"Let me help you. I need to take you upstairs, you need some rest." I explained, Y/N nodded a no and just laid on the stairs, looked uncomfortable but apparently it wasn't to her.

I got so frustrated by her behaviour and just picked her up. I made it to her bedroom and placed her on her bed.

"Sober up. Your acting stupid. What is wrong with you?" I spoke, I frowned my brows at her. Why was she like this? This isn't who she is.

Y/N just smiled then it turned into a depressed facial expression.

"What's wrong with me? Well, what is wrong with you? This is the first time in 2 and a half months that you've been to my house, and THE reason your probably here is because either Steve or Nancy called you. You can't call me a best friend or a girlfriend and actually forget about me. You threw me away like trash. And Michael Wheeler, yes, I do hate you. You kissed another girl right in front of me, it was a great view. How about I just take a picture of you two kissing next time, and you can frame it cause the angle I had was perfect." She explained, I watched as her mascara and makeup combined with her tears.

I opened my mouth to say something but she nodded a no.

"Get the fuck out of my house." She mumbled.

-chapter 6

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