Chapter 4 - Studio

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Next day

" Good morning oppa " - You smiled at Suga

" Good morning "- rub your hair

" Where are you going to take me for today? " - asking him with curious tone

" You will find out soon. " - showing his gummy smile.

At Bts's studio

" Hey guys , Nice to meet all of you again " - you while waving to them

" Hey y/n , nice to meet you too" - Namjoon

And all of them waving at you back.

" So , this is the place that you want to show me. Your studio "- you look at suga

" Yes, the oasis that I search for.. It's my studio and them. "- walk with you to his studio.

" Welcome to my Genius Lab " - open the door with full of expression.


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Wahh, you still have the kumamon !! It's so cute "- touch the kumamon

" Hey, don't touch my kumamon !!" - take the kumamon back.

" Oppa, can you play some songs for me? It's been awhile to see you play the piano since I leave for my study . " - you with begging voice.

" Sure, but with one condition. You have to sing while I play the piano . "

" Deal "

Outside the Genius lab

" What are you doing jimin? " - taehyung.

" shhh !! Can you hear her voice ?" - jimin covering taehyung mouth.

" What are both of you listen to? " - jungkook and hoseok

" Y/n is singing . Her voice is amazing and beautiful. " - Jimin while touch his chest and his heart is beating so fast.

At that moment you and Suga open the door and all four of them fall down in front of Suga .

" What are you guys doing in front of my studio ? " - Suga in serious tone.

" Nothing. Just playing hide and seek. " - All of them walk away before Suga get mad.

You just giggled at their reaction and you feel usual bcs they may heard your voice. Your face turn red bcs of the thought .

" I want to go out to buy food for lunch. Do you want to come with me? "

" No, I want to explore this place. It's so beautiful. "

" Okay then, I will be right back. Hoseok-ahh, let's go buy our lunch . " - suga grabs his car keys and go out with hoseok.

You strolling around and you heard a sound coming from a room . You peeking out from the door and see a guy dance with full of emotion and you feel like he bring you to his world

Suddenly, Jimin stop his dance and look at you through the mirror . He walk to the door and open it. You lost your balance and fall into his arm .

Your eyes meet his eyes and your heart beat faster than usual.

To be continued

Author : Sorry for the mean endding 😅

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Author : Sorry for the mean endding 😅 . So, first of all thank you for read this chapter. Next month, I have a examination, so the next chapter will be update a little bit late than before. Wish me pass with flying colors and I hope you enjoy your day. If you have a bad day, just do three things that you like the most and remember every hard moment has it's own benefit afterwards. As usual thank you for reading this chapter and don't forget to love yourself 🙆🙆

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