Chapter 16 - The truth

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" Namjoon oppa "- once again you cry in his embrace .

"Hey, what's wrong.. Why are you crying " -  Namjoom patting your back.

" Ok, now calm down and speak what had happened "- Jin looked at you worried.

" Jimin oppa have another woman "- you cry.

" What!! " - Namjoon and Jin look each other.

Bts dorm

You told Bts except Suga everything about you and jimin . Namjoon , jin and Hoseok very mad about how jimin cheat on you but jungkook and taehyung feel guilty about it.

" Y/n -nahh , I want tell you something " - Taehyung can't hold the truth anymore. He feel very guilty hiw jimin treat you.

" What's it " - you clueless.

" Actually, Jimin really love you but he can't forget his first love. He told me that he is confused about his own feelings. "- Taehyung hold your hands and speak with a trembling voice.

" But why he can't told me the truth. He said he really love me but why he do this to me. Why taehyung, why " - You cry and hit his chest. Taehyung just do nothing except endure the pain that you gave him.

Your room

Your heart hurts so bad. Even though, he cheated on you but in the bottom of your heart you still love him. You crying all night until you fell asleep .

The next morning, you woke up and look at your face through the mirror. You look like a crazy person bcs crying all night long.


You seem weak and not bright as usual. You space out during the meeting and make a lot of mistakes in every documents that you need to check on.
You think a lot about Jimin. You really miss him but your heart hurt when you see him.

Knock knock..

" Miss Min, someone want to see you "
" Okay"

Your door open and you see jimin walk inside your room. He hug you but you just stay froze.

" Let me go " - you push him but he make his embrace tighter.

" What do you want, Jimin "
" You "
" I'm sorry about yesterday. I don't mean to leave you. I just can't accept that you didn't trust me " - he whispered to your ear.

" How many lies that you have told me. You expect that I can trust your words " - you endure your anger.

" What are you talking about? "- Jimin

" Don't act like stupid Jimin. I know everything. If you love me just go and let's break up . I can't take this anymore. " - You point the door.

" But I still want you "

To be continued

Author : Sorry for late update

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Author : Sorry for late update. I'm very mess up . Thank you for reading this chapter and don't forget to love yourself .

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