Chapter 7 - First Day

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" Omg,  I feel like there lots of butterflies in my stomach " - holding your stomach.

" It's okay just relax , Dad not going to kill you " - suga holding your hand.

" Yes , I'm not going to kill you, Y/n " - Dad tap your shoulder .

" Dad, I'm not ready yet to replace you " - you pouted.

" It's okay honey, I will help you. "- Dad

" Hurry up, I will send you to the office "- Suga.

" Okay "- stare at Suga.


You walk back and front at the entrance door.

" Go in or not " - you chants.

" What are you doing? " - Suga

" Oppa, I'm nervous ."- frowned your face.

Suga holding your hand and drag you inside the office.

" I will take you for lunch, bye " - he waving at you.

" Oh my gard " - You jumping nervously at once place.

" Miss Min ? "- A lady.

" Yes "

" Mr. Min waiting for you in meeting room."

" Ouh.. Kay.. "- awkward voice.

" This way to pls "

You follow her to meet your father in the meeting room.


" Come in " - You hears your dad voice.

" Welcome to my company, Miss Min "- dad.

You hold your giggle. Dad staring at you.
You immediately stop it.

" Pls introduced yourself "

" My name is Min Y/n . I'm new here. So, pls take care of me and pls admonition me if I make mistakes. " - you bow to the wokers.

After few hours of meeting
Suga calling you

Min gummy :
Sorry, I can't bring you for lunch.

You :

Suga :
I have lots of works to do.

You :
Okay.. But next time make sure you keep your promise. Don't skip your meal.

Suga :
Ok, boss. Ahh before I forget Jimin will come to lunch with you

Before suga end his sentence you see jimin at the ground floor. You froze

You :

Suga :
Hello ,are you there?.

You :
Oppa bye.

You end the call and walk to Jimin.

" Jimin, what brings you here? "- you from his back

" Suga, send me to go out lunch with you "- flipping his hair

" Okay "

In the restaurant

" So, how your first day? "- jimin.

" Nothing much to do "- you while eating.

" How your day? "- you.

" Like always, practicing dance for the comeback . "- looking at you and you just focus eating.

Suddenly, you feel his thumb besides your lip. Both of your eyes connect in his eyes.

" Have something on your lip " - Jimin wipe his hand after wiped your lip.

You hiccups bcs of his spontaneous .

" Are you okay? Here water " - give you a bottle of water.

" Thank you "

" My lunch hour end, I have to go now "- awkward voice.

" Ouh , Let's go let me send you. "

In car you and him just silent. You feel like he always take a glance at you.

" Should I tell her " - jimin in his heart.

" Oh heart ,stop beating so fast. What's wrong with me " - you in heart.

Jimin's stop his car as reach at your office. As you want to get out from his car , he grab your wrist.

" Y/n , wait.. I have something to tell you." - jimin in serious tone.

" What's it? "- you focus on him.

Jimin take a very deep breath and say
" Can you be girlfriend? "

You shock with his confession .

To be continued

Author : Wow, jimin has confess his felling towards y/n

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Author : Wow, jimin has confess his felling towards y/n . Will y/n accept it? So, what do you think? Check it out for next chapter. Thank you for reading this chapter and don't forget to love yourself 😘😍😍

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