Chapter 5 - Everland part 1

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Dance studio

Your eyes meet his eyes and your heart beating faster than usual.

" Ermm.. C.. Can you let me go " - awkward voice

" Haah " - Jimin let go of his hands that place on your waist.

" Sorry for disturbing you practice " - you bow to him

" Nahh, It's okay " - Jimin rubbing his hair

" I love your dance "

" Thanks, I love you " - shock with his word

" What are you saying? " -you blank face

" I.. I.. I said I love your voice " - jimin cheeks turn reds

" I wish you and I will do some duet together "

" It will be a dream "

" Why? " - Jimin curious about your answer.

" I have to replace my father place in the company and I don't think that he will allow me to be a singer or an idol " - you with sad smile

" Y/n yahh, let's eat !!" - Suga scream form the outside.

" Coming!! "- you replied him.

" So, let's eat. Aaah " - you wrinkle your eyebrows bcs you don't know his name.

" I'm Jimin, sorry for late introduced " - rubbing his hair.

" It's okay. Let's go "

You walk with him. Every moment you with Jimin, you feel weird bcs your heart beating so fast. Every movement that he made, you always glance at him .

" Y/n " - suga called you but you don't answer him

" Y/n yahh "- screaming near to your ear

You was shocked and immediately knock suga head.

" Oppa , sorry. " - rubbing his head at the place you hit.

" Auuchh, why you are soo strong? " - Suga frowned.

" Are you done bcs I want to take you for the next place " - Suga

" Yes, where are we going to? " - you wrinkle your eyebrows.

" Everland " - with poker faced

" Really??!! Don't lie to me "- you shake his body .

" Yes , stop shaking my body " - taking out the tickets.

When you want to take the ticket, someone grab it. He take a look at the ticket.

" Hyung, I want to join!! "- Taehyung do some aegyo ( cute face)

" I know this going to happen "- Suga shock his head.

" If Taehyung join, I want to join it too "- jungkook grab the ticket from taehyung hand.

" No, I want to enjoy this moment with my sister. "- Suga with annoying faced.

" It's okay oppa, let them join. It going to be more fun " - you with begging voice.

Suga sigh " Okay, okay "

" Yeah, thank you y/n " - make heart sign for you.

Everland theme park

" Wahh!! It's so beautiful!! "- your eyes shine

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" Wahh!! It's so beautiful!! "- your eyes shine .

" Okay guys let's team up and do your own activities "- namjoon

" I'm with suga, namjoon with jin, taehyung with jungkook and y/n with jimin , agree? - Hoseok ask them

" Okay "- all with one voice

You walk with full of happiness and excitement. Jimin just smile brightly with your childish attitude. He thinks it's cute.

" Jimin let's ride the roller coaster " - you point at the wooden roller coaster ride.

" Y/n , you know that the fasters roller coaster in Korea " - he gulped down his saliva hardly.

" Ahh, really !! It's going to be really fun!! Let's go "- you take his hand and run toward the ride.

" We here you can let go of my hand " - Jimin .

" Ouhh, sorry " - let go of his and look at another place.

In your heart " what are you doing " "why my heart beating so hard today " . Your face turn red ad red as tomato.

" Y/n , it's our turn now. Let's ride " - jimin tap softly on your shoulder.

You back to reality " ouh yes , let's go "

To be continued

Author : Hello, so what do you think about this chapter? I hope you enjoy it

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Author : Hello, so what do you think about this chapter? I hope you enjoy it. Next week, maybe I will not publish the sixth chapter but I don't know yet. I have examination, so I have to focus on it. As usual thank you for reading this chapter and don't forget to love yourself 😘

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