Chapter 12 - Misunderstood

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You briefing some files that you left for two days bcs of the incident that happened between you and Jimin. He always called you but you decline the called.

Knock.... Knock....

" Come in "

" Miss Min today you have meeting at BitHit Entertainment "

"Ouh yes , I forget about that . Pls, remind my dad bcs he want to meet them too"

BitHit Entertainment

" So, what do you about this project " - you ask BTS and BangPd

" It's great, I sure it will make BTS more popular and give your company a great impact. " - BangPd

After the meeting you go to the ladies. In the way, someone grab your hand and pull you inside a room.

" Y/n , pls don't ignore me " - jimin begs you.

" Pls, Jimin stop. I don't want to talk to you " - you push him away from

You walk to the door and immediately Jimin give you a back hug.

" Listen to me, she is my ex. So, pls don't do this to me. She and me have no relationship anymore . I'm sorry for not telling you about this before. Pls, I love you so much. " - Jimin whisper and your shoulder wet bcs of his tears.

" Jimin, miahei. It's my fault. I just make a decision without knowing the truth . I love you too " - you wipe his tears.

" Pls don't ignore my call again. It's hard for me when you avoiding me. I'm worried about you. " - jimin cupped your cheeks.

" I promise not do that again " - you and him make a pinky promise.

Jimin send you to your car before you leave he give you a kiss on your cheek.

" Don't forget to call me when you arrived " - He give you a wink.

To be continued

Author : It's slump 😭😭.. Sorry for very very boring chapter. I don't have any idea to continue the chapter. I will end this story soon. Thank you for read this chapter and don't forget to love yourself

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