Chapter 20 - End

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Suga pov

" Jimin-nahh " I hold back my tears

" Hyung is something wrong? Hyung answer me!!! Suga hyung!!! "
His voice mixed with panick and curious.

" Jimin-nahh, pls come faster and bring the others "

I end up the call and walk to y/n bed. I hold her hand with both of my hand and bring them to my mouth. The tears that I endured finally it bust out.

I turn my face as I heard someone slide the door.

" Suga, what happened? " Jimin and the boys ask me immediately as they saw me.

" Y/n , she.... She." I can't continue to say that word and drop my view to the floor but they seem to understand it.

" I'm sorry " V hug me and cry on my shoulder. They all try to hold it but no they can't.

The room right now full of tears and sorrow.

End suga pov

One year later

Jimin pov

" Hai y/n, are you happy there ?" I chuckle at myself.

" It's been a year since you gone, I'm stupid right ? I try to catch someone that I know she used to break my heart and let go someone that I love which is in front of my eyes... " I gently rub her picture with my thumb.

" You know after all of the incident happened, I learnt that appreciate someone who is always stay by my side and sometimes the things that you love it's not going to be yours. You're right , I'm the most disgusting man that you ever love.. "

" End of that, Suga will married to someone his love... He hope you there at his wedding but no one can't change the reality.. He's also replaced your place at the company.. After what happened to you, your parents coax him to take your place and BTS has success now. " I shove my hand into my pocket and take out the necklace.

" Did you remember this, the first gift that I gave to you. I still remember the way you smile , your priceless look and our first kiss. All of the memories are still fresh in my mind. In my heart there is no one can replace you. " I put my left hand on my chest.

I turn my head as the members calling my name.

" Jimin-nahh, faster we are going to be late for the red carpet " - Taehyung shout

" So, I think that all for today. I will visit you again, y/n . I love you "

As I turn I shout back to them

" Be patient "

In my heart " y/n, I'm happy to know you "

The End

Author : huahhh

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Author : huahhh... Thank you so much to all of you that read this book.. I don't know how to express my feelings... I know there are a lot of fun story in this wattpad but you choose my story to read... I'm very very very appreciate it .. Thank you for staying from the first chapter until the last... Thank you for everything... As usual thank you for reading this chapter and don't forget to love yourself... Remember you're nice keep going 💞💞

P/s : new story will be publish after this

P/s : new story will be publish after this

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