Chapter 11 - That woman

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In meeting room

" Miss Min do you have any idea to improve our marketing? "- Dad

" Actually, I know one of a band that really famous nowdays. So, by using them as ambassador for our company , I think we can attract more customers to buy our products " -  You stand and answer the question with full of confidence.

" Great!! From now you incharge for this. Any objections ? " - Dad ask all of the managers.

" We agreed with it " - all in one voice.

" Miss Min, you have to make a proposal and put on my desk in two weeks. Before I'm forget, let me meet them and discuss about this with you . Did I make it clear? "
You nod your head. After the meeting you receive a call from jimin.

Jimin :
Hello, love

Hey, prince

Jimin :
Y/n -yahh next month I will have a concert. I hope you can join us.

You :
I will think about it first,Okay?

Jimin :
I miss you. I will take you for lunch. Muahh!!

You :
Me too!! . See yah. Muahh!!

Lunch time

" Jimin-ahh " - you waving your hand at him.
He smile at you and take you to his car. At the restaurant, you told him about the project that you discuss in the meeting just now. He say he will tell the boys about it. You excuse yourself to the ladies.

At that time a woman come approach jimin.

" Jimin-sshi? "

" Huuh,  Hyeyong- sshi "  - jimin shock bcs of that.

" It's been awhile since we were broke up " - hyeyong with sad voice .

"Yes " - jimin look down.

" So how are you? " -jimin.

" After we broke up, me life became miserable. My ex boyfriend took all my money and left me. " - she cried and put her head on jimin shoulder. Jimin pat her back to comfort her.

"Jimin-ahh, sorry for leaving you. Can you pls give me another chance ? " - She whisper in jimin's ear .

At that moment you come and saw jimin with her. Jimin and you make an eye contact. Jimin shock see you there and you immediately leave the restaurant. Jimin push hyeyong and quickly run to catch you.

" Y/n- yahh " -  he scream your name and managed to get grab you wrist.

" What do you want jimin ? " - You snatch his grab until jimin lost his grip.

" Y/n , I can explain . Just listen to me " - Jimin grab your wrist again.

" Sorry Jimin, I have to go my lunch time is over " - you walk into the teksi and leave jimin alone.

He just stay still and look you leaving .

To be continued

Author : Okay, first of all sorry bcs I play with your feeling 😬 but i like that

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Author : Okay, first of all sorry bcs I play with your feeling 😬 but i like that . I try to make my story chapter a little bit longer that before but I can't bcs I wrote it spontaneous. So, if my story not insync with the tittle I'm very sorry about it. I will try my best to improve my writing skills 🤗. Thank you for reading this chapter and don't forget to love yourself 💜💜💜

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