Chapter 13 - Change

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After few months

You walk to the lobby . After few moments of waiting you see jimin at the lobby .

" Jimin oppa " - you waved your hand and you walk towards him.

Actually, this is your first meet after few months of BTS World Tour Concerts. You hug him and he give you a kiss on your forehead.

" I miss you. Why you don't told me that you have arrive? " - You pouted.

His chuckle and pinched your cheek "Surprise!! "

" Let's go and meet the others at studio " - Jimin lead you to his car.


" Long time no see, dude " - you hugged all bts members.

You talked with bts about this and that. But you realise that Jimin attitude has changed. He not like Jimin that you know. Jimin that you know always smile while you tell them some stories and always look into your eyes when you're talking. But know, he always look at his phone and don't pay any attention to you. He too engrossed until he ignored you.

" Is jimin had a problem ? he always on the phone and sometimes he ignored my call. " - you ask them while jimin is talking with someone on the phone.

" I don't know " - Jin and Namjoon.

" Actually he.... Auchhh " - Jungkook slap taehyung lap before he finish his sentence .

" Actually he ...he will act for upcoming drama. He didn't told you. Didn't he " - Jungkook shuttering.

You frowned  and stare at Jungkook. " Okayhh. Btw, where is Suga oppa? " - you looking for Suga in his studio few minutes ago but you can't found him.

" Suga hyung went to Bang Pd office. " - Namjoon.

After few hours, Jimin came and sit beside you. " What are you guys talked about "

" Nothing. Jimin-nahh why you don't tell me that you will act? " - You feel disappointed bcs he don't told you about that.

"How do you know about that ? I want to tell you about this on our 1st anniversary " -  He stroke his hair.

You just give him a plain smile and you feel very fishy about his attitude. Jimin drove you home. In the car, you and him just silent.You space out for a moment bcs thinking of your relationship with Jimin is getting worse.

" Y/n - yahh, we arrived " - you flinch a little bit bcs of his voice.

" Sorry, I space out just now. "

Before you open the car door you ask jimin.

" Jimin, do you still love me ? "

To be continued

Author : Hey guys!! This story will end

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Author : Hey guys!! This story will end... I don't know if I will write a new book but maybe yes or maybe not... Thank you for reading this chapter and don't forget to love yourself ...😘😘
사랑해요 ( I 💖 U)

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