Chapter 8 - The confession

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" Can you be my.. my girlfriend? "

" Haah!? "- you blank

" Why? "- Jimin feel disappointed with your reaction.

" Jimin, remember I have told you about my past. I don't want to get dump again and Jimin we just meet... I don't think "- you don't know how to continue.

" I'll wait for your answer but please let me love you and proof to you that my feelings toward you is real. "- Jimin with begging voice and holding your hand

" Jimin give me some time to think about this. " - you sigh .

" Okay, I will " - Jimin let go of your hand

" Jimin, it doesn't mean that I don't like but... You know "

You want to explain to him but he cut your sentence.

" I understand Y/n , I will wait ." - Jimin smile.

" Thanks Jimin for today. " -You walk away.


" Mom!! I'm back " - walking to the kitchen.

" Y/n , do you want to eat something? I will make it for you. "

" It's okay, Mom. Don't bother yourself "

" So, how your first day? " - Mom pat your hair.

" Tired . I want to shower " - you leave to your room.

In your room

After take a shower, you throw your body on the bed and think about jimin's confession.

" Why you do this to me. Why you make me insane thinking about this? "

You roll on your bed until you fall from the bed.


" Are you ok, y/n ? " - Suga open the door

" Ouhh.. Yes "- you rub your head.

" Mom call you for dinner "

" I'm coming. "

After dinner

" Oppa, may I come in ? "- You knock suga's door.

" What do you want? "- Suga open the door.

" I have a problem, can we talk about it? "

You walk into suga room and sit on suga bed.

" So, what's your problem. "

You take a deep breath .

" Have ever fall in love? "- you afraid to look at suga face.

" Wow, my sister fall in love? Who is that unlucky guy. " - Suga tease you.

" Oppa " - You slap suga lap.

" Auch.. I'm serious. Who is that guy? "- Suga voice changed.

" Jimin "

" What !!?? Park Jimin " -Suga shock

You tell suga all the stories about your past and jimin confession.

" I don't know what to do. I'm afraid that the same thing happen again . " -  you cry.

" You have to ask yourself about your feelings. Open a new book and forget about the past. Jimin is a great man, I think he will love you better. " - Suga wipe your tears and hug you.

" Thank you, oppa " - you cry on suga's shoulder.

" Don't cry, it's make you ugly. "

You slap suga arm and smile again.

" Oppa do you have any schedule for this weekend ? "

" No, why? "

" I want to go to your studio and meet Jimin. "

" Okay, I will take you there "

" Thank you ,oppa "

To be continued

Author :  Hello, sorry for late update

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Author :  Hello, sorry for late update.. Every bad thing that happened in our life,remember good thing always come along afterwards..
Thank you for reading this chapter and don't forget to love yourself 💞💞💞💞

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