Chapter 14 - Lie

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" Do you still love me? "


Jimin POV

After I sent y/n home, my head keep reminding about the question. Do I really still love her or my heart has be taken Hyeyong.

" Ahhhh!!! why it's so hard for me to choose? " - smack my hands on the steering.


Today the day that you have to replace your father place as the Ceo . You and Suga invited BTS members. They agreed to come except for Jimin bcs he said that he has to shoot at the same night.
You wear a dress that Jimin gave to you before he left to BTS World Concert

You wear a dress that Jimin gave to you before he left to BTS World Concert

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You go to lobby to greet BTS.

" Hey guys!!! Thanks for coming "- you hug them.

" Anything for you and Suga hyung as well " - Taehyung.

" Sadly, Jimin is not here . I really miss him, he didn't call me after the night that he sent me home. " - you pouted

" Shhh, y/n don't upset. Tonight is your night, be happy and smile. You looked scary if you don't smile " - Suga pat your hair and namjoon touch your left shoulder.

" Yes, Y/n be happy and you look pretty tonight. "- Namjoon smile and you can see his cute dimple.

" Arasso, by the way thanks Joon oppa" - You show them your smile.

You go to the ladies and fix your make up.

" Should I call Jimin... Maybe he busy.. Should I try " - You mumble by yourself.

You grab your phone and you call Jimin.


Hello, y/n what do you want?

Where are you? If your shooting end early, can you come?

I don't think, I can. I'm very busy right now. I have to go the director is calling me.

Jimin wait,l... I love you

But before you said that jimin end your call.

" Miss Min, there are you " - your secretary puffing as she run to find you.

" Woow !! Girl breathe. What is it? "- you hands go up and down to make your secretary breathe properly.

" It's time for you to give a speech "


" I would like to invite our new Ceo to give some words, Miss Min y/n " - the host .

You walk to the stage and give a 45° bows to the guests.

" Thank you. First of all I would like to thanks to my father that believe in me that I can take over his company. Never forget to BTS that willing to present tonight. Please serve yourself " - as you talk you see a figure and really familiar to Jimin . You can see he kiss a girl and walk to the lift.

You give a bow and everyone a round of applause for you. You hold your tears and walk away from the ballroom. At the moment, you pass Namjoon and he see a tears sliding down from your eyes.

" Can, I know if you have a customer name Park Jimin? - You ask the receptionist.

" Yes "

" Okay, thank you " - you walk away and go to swimming pool to realise your stress. You crying out loud and you can believe what are you saw just now.

" Are you okay, y/n " - Namjoon ask you from behind.

" hmm.. I'm okay "- You wipes your tears and pull a smile.

" Why are you crying? " - Namjoon put his hand on your left cheek and wipe your remain tears using his thumb.

" I saw Jimin kiss another girl at the hotel lobby and he went to a room with that girl " - you cry again. You don't know why your tears are very cheap for tonight.

" Are you sure that he is Jimin? " -  Namjoon persuade you.

" I'm not blind yet Joon oppa . I really saw him " - you cry even louder.

Immediately, he pull you for a hug and you cry on his chest. He pat your back and said it's okay, just cry .

" I know loving him is a sin, but love is blind. I'm blind with his love . I give him all of my heart but he reply me with his lie and fake love. " - you grab his shirt and he hold your wrist.

" Namjoon... " - you can't continue your words bcs namjoon cupped your mouth with his hand

To be continued

Author : Hai guys, it's been awhile since the previous chapter

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Author : Hai guys, it's been awhile since the previous chapter. I'm sorry for late update. Actually, I feel very down bcs I don't have any idea to continue my story.. Sorry for that. As usually, thank you for reading this chapter and don't forget to love yourself  💜💜
I purple you 💜💜💜

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