Chapter 9 - The answer

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Weekend .... Studio

" Oppa " - You grab suga's hand

" It's okay, it's your life you choose your own decision " - suga pat your hair.

"Hey y/n!! Long time no see "- Jin greet you with a high five.

" Yes, Long time no see. I busy with my work "- you smile at him.

"Ouh.. Let's go out together sometime "

" Sure !! Hurmm... Where is Jimin? - your eyes searching for jimin figure.

" Jimin, he in practice room over there " - Jin pointed to the room.

You walk to the room and you remember the first time you saw he dance. He is so perfect... The practice room door is slightly open. You peeking to see what is Jimin doing and you see jimin playing a piano.

Knock... Knock..

" Sorry for disturbing you " - you walk in and you scared to look into jimin's eyes.

" It's okay, why are you here? "

" Remember that day you confess your feeling towards me and my answer is... Yes "

" What did you say? Did you just say yes." - Jimin don't believe what did he heard.

You shook your head and smile at him. Jimin feel so euphoria. He hug you, lift you up and swing around. Then, you feel his lip on yours.


"oooohhh" - Hoseok make the noise

" Oh my gard!! They are kissing " - Taehyung and Jungkook teasing.

You hide your red face on Jimin chest. Jimin smile shyly and flip his hair using his fingers .

But the atmosphere change when suga walk in with dark aura

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But the atmosphere change when suga walk in with dark aura.. He walk towards Jimin and he grab jimin collar with his left hand.

" Listen boy, once you break her heart. I will break your face " - Suga give him a dark stare.

" I.. I promise won't break her heart " - Jimin lift his hand as swear sign.

You laughing when see Jimin face that really afraid at Suga. You give suga a thumb up. All the guys laugh too.

"Are you prank me ? " - Jimin stare at you.

" Take care of her. What I say, I mean it " - Suga slap Jimin's bicep.

" Let's leave the love birds here. Give them some privacy "- Namjoon push all the boys out and close the door.

You and Jimin stay silent

( author : awkward ~~)

" Let's date tomorrow " - Jimin broke the silent.

" Sure "

To be continued

Author : Hey, how are you guys? Did you enjoy this chapter. It's my first time write a kiss scene 🙈🙈 . I hope you guys enjoy it. Thank you for reading this chapter and don't forget to love yourself.

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