PART 1...

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"Y/n, it's time to go to the airport now!" your mum yelled from the bottom of the stair case causing you to quickly pick up your suitcase and run down to the front door. Not gonna lie, it's pretty exciting to be going to Vancouver to film the second season of a series of unfortunate events. You can't wait to meet all the cast members and to be in your very first Tv show, but your thoughts were cut off by your mum saying "come on dear we are here now time to walk you to your gate." Once you got to your gate your flight was called and you said your final goodbyes to your mum, "just remember that three people from the cast will be there to pick you up, they are your age and you will be staying with them since they are all staying together and I just-" you cut off your mothers rambling by saying "don't worry mum ok? I will call you when I land and I'll text you everyday ok" and with that you were off. Ready to start a new chapter in your life.

After what felt like hours you finally got off the aeroplane and walked out to the place where you are going to meet some of your cast mates. As you walk out into the airport you look around trying to see if you could spot anyone familiar but then you saw a sign that said- Y/N  Y/L/N - with sparkles and coloured highlighter everywhere. You laughed to yourself as you walked over to the three people holding up the sign.
"Hello, my name is Malina and these two idiots are Louis and Dylan." "Hi" the boys said to you as you put your bags down. " uhh hi I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you" you said as you shook their hands. " ok well my mum is waiting in the car outside so let's go!" Dylan said as you all walked over to the car park. You texted your mum saying:
Hey mum, just arrived. These people are super nice already! I don't know the time difference but I'll speak to you soon love you mum x.
Once you were all in the car you decided to play 20 questions so you could get to know each other a bit more. "Who do you guys play in the show?" You asked
" I'm Violet Baudelaire"
" I'm Klaus Baudelaire"
" and I am the amazing Duncan Quagmire, your loving brother" you all laughed at Dylan's response and kept playing the game. 
" Where are you from y/n?" Malina asked.
" uh I am from Kingston, which is in London. What about you guys?"
" I was born in New York" replied Malina.
"Oxford" said Louis and Dylan said " I was born here, we are all living in my loving holiday home near set, it saves everyone a fortune trust me. The hotels around here are like $300 a night" a chorus of laughter went through the car as you pulled up to your final destination. It was beautiful. It was a massive house that had bedrooms the size of my living room at home! As you walked in Dylan's mum said that you can all choose a buddy and then a room to sleep in, of course you and Malina went together because you two were like best friends already.
"Come on y/n we need to claim the best room" Malina shouted as she dashed around the house trying to find the bedrooms. You ran after her and screamed when you looked back to see Louis and Dylan chasing you, but as you screamed you tripped over right in front of Louis which also made him fall over. Let's just say it wasn't pretty. You were on the floor with Louis on top of you, you couldn't help but laugh because he face planted into the carpet. As he sat up Malina joined you three and started laughing. After what seemed like 30 minutes of laughter Dylan's mum shouted "ok kids I'll see you soon bye!" As she left the house.
"Wait isn't your mum staying here?" You asked Dylan
" Nah she said that she would leave the kids here so we can just do anything we want really"
After many hours of laughing and getting to know each other you all went to bed. I feel like these people are gonna be the best people ever you thought to yourself as you closed your eyes to go to sleep.

A/N- how is this story so far????

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