PART 13...

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Today was the day that it finished. Today was the last day filming season two of a series of unfortunate events. You were sad because you would have to leave everyone, but it was ok because season three would start filming soon.
Over the past few months you and Louis have had the best time, he has taken you out on dates, kissed you every day and he has even confessed his undeniable love for you. All you could think about was Louis, the way he laughed, the way he smiled, the way his curls sat perfectly on his head. He was just perfect.

"ANDDDD CUT!!!" Said the director. He was then followed by someone saying "And that is a wrap for season two of a series of unfortunate events!!" Claps and cheers went around the room. "Ok so you have a few more months before the premiere, so get out there and have fun. Then after the premier we are back to filming so I guess I will see you all soon!!" He said as he stepped down from his stool.
You looked over to Malina, Dylan and Louis, you walked over to them and you all had a massive group hug.
"I'm going to miss you guys so much!!" Said Malina while we were still hugging
"Same!!!" Shouted Dylan "we definitely have to meet up sometime in the break guys ok?!" You suggested to them as we broke apart. "You guys know that we will I'll see each other in 2 months right?" Louis told us " yes we do but we actually have a heart!" Malina shouted at him. "It's not my fault that y/n stole my heart!" Louis said which made you melt inside.
You hugged Louis and them kissed him passionately, "I love you Louis" you said. Then he returned the gesture.

"Ok guys come on keep it PG!" Dylan exclaimed whichever you all laugh. I love this job you said to yourself as you all started walking to the car.

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