PART 7...

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Y/N POV****
You woke up early this morning and everyone was still asleep, so you decided it would be a great idea to make everyone breakfast. You walked into the kitchen and started looking for all the ingredients you need to make pancakes, once you found them all you started to make the batter. Let's just say that your pyjama top needed to be put in the washing machine.....about 50 times before all the pancake stains came out of it, but you didn't care. 20 pancakes later you were finished making them and decided to get out various toppings. You got out the sugar, honey, syrup, Nutella, cream and berries before going uostairs to wake everyone up. You walked into your room and shook Malina to wake her up, once she was you both ran into the boys room and jumped on their beds. Of course you jumped onto Louis' and when you woke him up he sat up fast and head butted you.
"Ahhhh!! Owwwwwww" moaned Louis as he woke from his slumber
" oh my bloody god I think I have a concussion" you said while seeing stars on the roof.
"Ohh are you ok y/n?!" Louis asked with surprise at who he had head butted
"Well apart from the stars that are dancing a road the roof right now I am perfectly fine...... and I made pancakes by the way." You said and as soon as you mentioned pancakes Dylan and Malina sprinted down stairs.
"Sorry y/n I um I didn't mean hurt you" Louis said while blushing with embarrassment at what he just did to his crush.
" I know Louis it's fine now the stars are gone" you said while looking into his eyes.
" um maybe we should uh go and get breakfast yeah?!" Louis said as he tried to get up but then realised that you were lying on top of him. You sat up and realised that you were sitting on top of Louis in a rather inappropriate way...
"Oh my... uhhh y-yeah lets umm go... NOW!" You said while flushing bright red with embarrassment. You went downstairs with Louis trailing slightly behind you, you couldn't look at him in the eyes because you were so embarrassed.
After breakfast you all went to go get changed, You and Dylan were ready and waiting for Louis and Malina to come down stairs.
"So y/n. Do you mind telling me why your were blushing so much when you walked into the kitchen" Dylan asked with a smirk on his face.
"Ummm well..... you know how he head butted me this morning when we woke you guys up?"
"Well um when I sat up I was ummm straddling his waist and let's just say that it was in a very ummm inappropriate way" you said while blushing and looking down.
"BAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!! Wait did that....did that actually happen!?!?" Dylan said while laughing his head off.
"YES AND IT WAS NOT OK!" You whisper shouted at him as you heard footsteps coming down the hall.
"Well its a good thing he likes you and what happened this morning then huh" Dylan whispered in your ear as Louis came into sight. You eyes went wide and you looked at Dylan before looking down at your feet, you were blushing so much that you felt as tho go your face was going to melt off.
Moments later Malina came into the room and saw the awkward silence that we were in, so she decided to break it.
"Ok guys let's go to set!!" She shouted as we all walked out the door

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