PART 6...

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As soon as y/n was in her bedroom I ran into mine to try and find Dylan, once I did I explained the whole story to him and he just smirked at me.
"Wait so let me get this right. You ran into each other and you caught her staring at you. She blushed then you made a fool of yourself by calling her hot before you saw her ass" Dylan said to you
"Yeah pretty much" you groaned to yourself as you replayed the event in your head.
"Louis do you like y/n?"Dylan asked me with an eye brow raised.
"Well... I mean yeah I do." you said while looking at him " didn't Malina tell you?" I asked Dylan
"WHAT!!! No she didn't tell me. But dude you and y/n are obviously in love with each other so why don't you ask her out?" Dylan asked me.
" Maybe because I am TO SCARED TO ASK HER!!!" I told him. "Why would she even like me anyway?" I asked.
"Dude come on you are the nicest and funniest guy I have ever met and she definitely loves that about you!!" Dylan told me
"Ok.... I will ask" I said
"YES BOII!" Dylan shouted.
"Ok so in the next month I will be making my plan to ask her." I said
"Wait what dude no ask her out like by the end of this week!?" Dylan told me
"Fineeeee, but I might need help" I groaned as Dylan patted me on the back.
'God I hope she likes me back' I thought to myself as I fell asleep that night

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