PART 2...

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Malina woke up before y/n and had the perfect idea of how to wake her up. She snuck out of her and y/ns room and into Louis and Dylan's room.
" morning guys, do you want to join me in waking up y/n?" Malina asked the boys.
" yeah sure. What are we gonna do?" Replies Dylan.
Moments later Malina, Louis and Dylan snuck into the room and shouted 'WAKE UP Y/N!'. She then woke up and rolled off the bed in the process which made us all laugh.

"Seriously guys! I almost had a heart attack." Y/n exclaimed while still on the ground.
Once she finally got up and finished off the laughing fit she was having she went downstairs to join the others in getting some breakfast.

"Nice pyjamas" Dylan said as you walked into the kitchen.
"Why thank you, Marvel is my fav" you replied.
Louis giggled from the other side of the kitchen, you looked over to him and you both looked into each others eyes for what felt like hours.
"Ok guys we gotta leave in half an hour so you might want to start eating and getting changed real soon" Malina said as she walked into the room which brought you out of your thoughts.
'Damn Louis is actually quite hot... wait what am I talking about I just met him come on y/n' you thought to yourself as you made some toast and went to get changed.

We arrived on set about half an hour early because Malina wanted to introduce me to everyone. I met everyone on set but one person that I met will be in my mind for ever. "Neil, hey Neil this is y/n she is playing Isadora. Y/n this is count Olaf but you can just call him Neil." Louis introduced us and Neil looked between me and Louis before talking to me.
"Ahhhh so you are the one that Louis has been texting me about recently huh, nice to finally meet you and Louis, she is as pretty as you said she is" he said before walking off. I turned to Louis and saw him as red as a tomato, he looked at me and spoke in a very soft voice, " I-i....uhhh.... I never texted him that stuff. So I think you should see the producer." Louis said before walking over to the producer. I looked over to Malina confused and as she walked past me she said " we need to talk later". Ummmm ok I thought to myself before following Louis, Malina and Dylan over to the producer.
I met up with the producer and he showed me around, then he gave me the directions to hair and make up so I could get ready before shooting my first ever episode of ASOUE.

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