PART 4...

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"Sup guys what are you talking about" Malina asked as Louis and her took a seat at the table we were sitting at.
"Ohh nothing just having a good old sibling my chat" Dylan said while winking at you.
"You do know you aren't really related right bro?" Louis asked him.
"Ughhh Louis just because it ain't by blood doesn't mean it can't happen, so from now on I am Y/n's triplet. Not twin because our brother perished in a fire.... GOT IT!" You all laughed at Dylan's comment and finished off your lunch before going back onto set.

You all had finally finished your scenes for the day and you were going back home to have some dinner. One of the staff members dropped you lot at home where you ordered pizza and put on Netflix, "ok so what pizzas do you guys want?" You asked them as you began dialling the number.
"Cheese" Malina and Dylan shouted
"Hawaiian" said Louis and Malina and Dylan stared at him with disgusted faces.
"Dude are you serious that is disgusting! No one likes pineapple on pizza" Malina said to Louis
"Ummm I like pineapple on pizza, its real good guys what's wrong with you?!" You said to Malina and Dylan. Malina looked at you with an infuriated glare..... 'oooo shit' you thought to your self as Malina started chasing you down the hallway. She ended up tackling you to the floor, and when she did she shouted for cheese pizza which made you laugh. Soon enough Dylan came running down the hall and shouted stacks on y/n while jumping on top of you and Malina.
"Omg are we seriously playing stacks on y/n right now I need fo-" but you were cut off my the impact of Louis joining on top of the human hill you created. Louis just laughed at you as you were being squished, you looked st him and said "please pineapple buddy, save me". He laughed before rolling Malina and Dylan off the top of you and stretching out a hand for you to grab. " thanks pineapple buddy" you said while breathing in deep breaths.
"Anything for my pineapple buddy" Louis replied while giggling, his giggles were so cut that it made you blush.
"Omg new nicknames!!! Louis is curly pineapple , y/n is bubbly pineapple , Dylan can be cheese solider and I can be the cheese master!!!" Malina said as her and Dylan finally joined us standing in the hall. You looked up to Dylan and he wiggles his eyebrows at you before winking which made you blush even more, 'wow this is gonna be hard to keep quiet' you though to yourself before ordering the pizzas and turning the tv on.

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