PART 5...

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After you had finished the pizza and movie you were watching, you all went to go get your pyjamas on. You decided to put on a Harry Potter singlet and shorts because why the hell not?! You walked back into the kitchen when you suddenly ran into a person and fell over. You looked over to the body next to you to see Louis lying on his stomach laughing at what just happened  , you couldn't help but laugh at him because his laugh was just so cute. You didn't realise you were staring at him until he said "here let me help you up love". You blushed a deep crimson as he helped you off the floor. He looked at you pyjamas and giggled which confused you,
"What don't you like my pyjamas?" You asked in a confused tone.
"What n-no it's just that umm... you look cute in them. Well not that you didn't look good before but ummm it's hot. Wait no that didn't come out right ummm-" Louis tried to explain but you cut him off by saying.
"Dude calm down your stuttering like you life depends on it" you said while laughing at him. "Anyways I'm going to bed now so night Louis" you said while walking up the stairs to your room.

When you walked in the room Malina squealed and jumped in front of you, you had no idea what she was happy about but what ever it was must of been good....
"Hey Mal....MAL CALM DOWN GIRL WHAT UP WITH YOU?!" You asked her.
"Ummmmm are you kidding me!! You and Louis just had like a full flirt session right there!!! It was so cute, and by the way dude your shorts were so far up you ass when you fell that when you walked off he was catching bloody flies. Like honestly your whole ass was showing!" Malina told you, not gonna lie you were really embarrassed about two things that just happened.
1) Malina saw you and Louis flirting
2) Louis saw pretty much your while ass because you fell over
"Are you actually serious, he saw my butt!!! And mal keep it down alright he will hear you!" You whisper shouted at her. Today must of been the most embarrassing thing in your life.


I was walking out of the kitchen when suddenly I ran into someone which made both of us fall, I looked over to my right to see y/n on the floor with me. I laughed at what just happened and she soon joined in after me, i stood up and offered my hand to her but she just stared at me so I coughed a bit hoping she would snap out of her thoughts. She blushed once she realised she was staring and took my hand, I giggled to myself about her pyjamas ' wow she likes Harry Potter too?! That's amazing!"I thought to myself before she asked me what I was laughing at, she asked me what was wrong so I said;
"What n-no it's just that umm... you look cute in them. Well not that you didn't look good before but ummm it's hot. Wait no that didn't come out right ummm-" I tried to make my sentence sound better but she cut me off by saying:
"Dude calm down your stuttering like you life depends on it" she said while laughing. "Anyways I'm going to bed now so night Louis" she said while walking up the stairs to her room. When she turned around I saw her butt because her shorts were up so high, I couldn't help but stare white my mouth open and my cheeks a deep shade of red, even though I knew I shouldn't stare I did anyways.....

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