PART 3...

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After getting my hair, make up and costume on for my first scene I walked out of trailer only to be met by Malina, who also was ready for her first scene.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?" You asked Malina as you both walked to the set.
"Well I just wanted to talk about how Louis is SO in love with you." Malina said.
"W-wait what, he loves me?!" You said in disbelief.
"Yes are you really that oblivious?! Ever since we first saw you at the airport he has been giving you the googly eyes and is always staring at you. By the way he also blushed when Neil was talking about him saying how petty you were. And it wasn't just a little blush it was like... a MASSIVE ONE." Malina explained to you.
"So he likes me..." you said to yourself, which also ended up with you smiling like an idiot.
"OMG!!! You like him don't you y/n!!!!!" Malina yelled at you
"Ummm... well I don't know... w-well yeah I guess. Yeah I do like him" you said. Malina squealed to herself as you finished your sentence.
"Hey guys what are we talking about?" Louis said as he ran up to you both.
"Nothing" you said quickly which Malina backed up with,
"Just a little girl talk you know, very private." You smirked at what Malina had said to him.
"Umm ok then well does anyone know when our scenes together are?" Louis asked. To which you responded with "to be honest I have no idea what is going on"
"Dylan and Y/n can you please come to set now, we have to film your first scene. Thank you" said the man over the loud speaker.
"Ok well I will see you guys soon then" you said as you began to quickly make your way over to the set.

"You like her don't you" Malina asked me as soon as y/n left to start filming.
"What?! I-i uhhh ..... *sigh* yeah I do. But she will probably only see me as a friend, I mean we only just met soo."
"Are you kidding me Louis she totally likes you. Now if you will excuse me I am going to get some hot chocolate. Bye" Malina said as she left me in the middle of the hallway. 'I wonder if y/n likes me back..... only time will tell' I thought to myself as I started to walk over to my other co-stars.

AN HOUR LATER** ( Back to your POV)
I finally finished filming my first few scenes with Dylan, we now had to do the moment when we first met the Baudelaire's in the cafeteria. I was actually quite excited because I got to do it with Malina and Louis aswell, it was going to be fun.
Dylan had said his line and were were now all sitting round a table, " Hello my name is Violet Baudelaire and these are my siblings klaus and sunny." Malina said
"My name is Isadora Quagmire and this is my brother Duncan." I said while smiling at Louis. After a few more scenes we got to the part where 'Violet' asked us all to empty our pockets, when Louis and I pulled out the two parts of the spyglass and put them together our hands brushed up against each other which sent tingles all along my body. I looked up at Louis and saw that he was as red as a tomato, he said his line " I think we should talk" and then the producers shouted cut. It wasn't until that moment that I realised that I had been staring deep into his eyes for the whole scene.... lucky I didn't have any other lines to say.

Later that day Dylan and I were sat at a lunch table waiting for Louis and Malina to come we were just talking about the scenes when suddenly Dylan blurts our a quest which made me go a deep red.
"So you and Louis huh..... has anything happened that your brother needs to know about" Dylan said while winking at you.
"What...... I u-uhh I don't know what your talking about." You said while taking a bite of your sandwich
"Hmmmm..... let's see what about how you were staring deeply into his dreamy eyes and how when you both touched hands you both looked like tomatoes.....oooo.. and what about that time where Neil said he was talking about how pretty you were?!" Dylan said to you.
"Well...I-I umm I don't know ok..... he is just so ......Hot and well uhhh it's hard to explain ok" you said while looking down embarrassed.
"Well since I am your triplet I am going to help you get the man of your dreams ok y/n?! I am going to sneak around trying to find out ok, I will do anything I can to help you" Dylan said while giving you a side hug.
"Thanks Dylan it means a lot" you said while hugging him back.

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