PART 8...

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You were all sitting quietly in the car while a member of the crew drove you to set, Well it was quiet until Malina started whispering in your ear.
"Hey when is this sexual tension going to ease off between you and Louis?" Malina asked you as you were drinking your water. Malinas question surprised you so much that you ended up spraying all the water you had in your mouth onto Dylan. The car was then full of different emotions... the driver, Malina and Louis laughed at what just happened, Dylan was looking at you with a face mixed of confusion,amusement and disgust while you stared at Malina with a surprised face and burning cheeks.
"Ummmm.... that was uhh really something there, thanks sis" Dylan said while wiping the spit off him.
"Bloody hell sorry Dylan I didnt mean to do that and WHAT THE FUCKING HELL MALINA!!!!" You shouted at her while nodding your head to Louis who was literally 1 metre away from you, like what if he heard!!!
"Well I mean you are 16 and he is the same age and I'm sure that it would be alright as a first time, but just make sure me and Dylan aren't in the house ok?!" Malina whispered into your ear while smirking
"Oh my bloody- you know we will finish this conversation in private later ok?!" You asked Malina and she nodded. "But uhh... I guess it would be good you know" you said while looking down at the floor
Malina just laughed and Dylan and Louis looked at you with confused faces.
"Don't worry boys, just classic girl talk about some stuff you know, no need to worry" Malina said while winking at them.
Then you saw Malina texting and then a few minutes later Dylan looked at his phone then up at you with a confused but amused face, then he started to laugh. A lot.


Ok so just incase you were wondering what we were talking about......
I asked y/n when the sexual tension between her and Louis would go away and then she spat over you right!!
Bahahaha actually lol
Yeah and then I told her that they were the same age so it would be ok if they had sex but just make sure that we were out the house because you know. GROSS🤮
Bahahahhaa yeah if we were in the house tho 🤢 then what happened?!?!
She said that she wouldn't mind having sex with him and that is when I just broke down into laughter😂😂😂
Bahahahaha that is hilarious!!!! Ok ok I got a plan just let me do it during filming and then I'll call you ok?!!!
ok call me then bro!!!


Ok so today was the day that my amazing plan would be in action, no one is ready for this.
"Hey Louis" I said as I walked up to him sitting alone at a lunch table.
"Hey Dylan how had your day been so far?" Louis asked politely
"Good thanks. Hey Louis I was just wondering if I could ask you a question?"
"Yeah sure, shoot" he said before taking a bite of his sandwich
"Are you sexually attracted to y/n?"
Then Louis began to choke on his food which made everyone look towards him in a worried way, after about five minutes of him coughing he finally settled down.
"W-w-what do you uhh mean?" Louis asked me.
"Dude come on! Just answer the question" you groaned at him
"Well uhhhhh............ would it be bad if I was sexually attracted to her?" Louis asked me cautiously waiting for my reaction.
"Nah I was just wondering man." I said to him and he looked at me surprised, I just smiled at him as Malina sat down at the table.
"Sooo by all that coughing that you just did I'm guessing that you are sexually attracted to y/n huh?" Malina asked Louis which made me laugh.
"Wait did you guys plan this.WAIT I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU GUYS TELL HER THIS I WILL TEAR YOUR HEADS OFF!!" Louis whisper shouted to us as we both started to snicker to ourselves. Damn this will be fun, I thought to myself before starting part 2 of my plan.

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