PART 9...

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Y/N POV*****
I was walking towards the lunch table with my food when I heard Louis saying something to Dylan and Malina, 'hmmm I wonder what they are talking about?' I thought to myself as I walked over to sit next to Louis.
"Hey guys what are we talking about?" You asked as you sat down at the now silent table.
"Ohh nothing we were just going to start rehearsing our lines for the next scene, we are all in this one" Dylan said to me as I started to eat my sandwich. I nodded to him as I took another bite. I don't know why but there was an awkward tension, which was NOT sexual, at the table but I wasn't going to ask, I'll ask Dylan later I thought to myself as we got up to walk to the scene.

Every now and then I saw Louis' staring at me, and every time I looked at him he would turn away and say something to himself. I was really confused at what was happening, maybe he wasn't feeling ok I thought to myself as I started to make my way over to him.
"Hey Louis are you ok?" You asked him with a worried tone
"Ohh yeah I'm fine don't worry y/n I- ummm actually I need to pee so bye!" Louis said as he ran off. You were watching him run off with a confused feeling; had I done something wrong for him to suddenly hate me? You thought to yourself as you went to talk to Malina and Dylan.
"Hey guys do you know why Louis hates me now?" You asked them as you look down at your feet with tears threatening to fall.
"WHAT?!? Why would he hate you?" Dylan asked you and you shrugged which made a tear fall down your cheek. You looked up to them and that is when they burst into action.
" I'll go find him!!" Dylan said running off while Malina stayed with you and tried to get you to calm down.
"He was acting weird so I went over to him to ask if he was on the he said yeah and ran off.... what did I do wrong?" You asked Malina, tears still streaming down your face.
"Ok honey listen, he doesn't hate you ok maybe he just felt sick but didn't want to tell you, he would never hate you."
"How do you know?"
"Because he loves you, y/n he absolutely adores you and he would never want you to be sad ok? So let's get you cleaned up and then you can talk to him yeah?" She asked. You nodded and went to the bathrooms to get cleaned up.


I ran. I just ran off and I hated myself for it, she probably hates me right now but I couldn't let her see me like this. I was sat in the bathroom floor when I heard Dylan come in, I looked up to him and he looked down to me with a confused expression.
"Dude, what the hell did you just do to y/n?" Dylan asked me.
" I ran off...."
"Well I can see that but why?!"
"Uhhhh because........ because I got a boner...." I told him while burrowing my head in between my knees. It was so embarrassing.  But then I heard Dylan laugh.
"Dude this is serious why are you laughing?!" I asked him quite annoyed at this point.
"Well you see, y/n thought that you hated her and ran off so she has been crying since you left, and that ain't funny. But to know that you got boner then ran is just hilarious" Dylan said while laughing.
"Wait she has been crying.... because of me?" Louis asked really hating himself for making the one he loves most cry.
"Yep and if I were you I would go sort it out...... now. Well that is if your bodily functions are ok bro." Dylan told me
" Dude my 'bodily functions' are fine now where is she" I said quickly while standing up rest to run to the destination.
"Uhhhh Malina said that y/n is in her trailer, alone. So.... RUN!" Dylan shouted as I sprinted out the door.

I left y/n alone in her trailer and I went to go find Dylan and Louis when I got a message.
Hey Malina where is y/n?!?!
In her trailer alone why??
Louis is going to find her
Ohhh ok. Why did he run away???
Just meet me at the bathrooms and I will tell you....
Ok be there in 1 minute 👋🏻

Once I got there Dylan explained the whole boner scenario to me and I couldn't help but laugh. Dylan and I laughed all the way back to where y/n's trailer was, we were going to see if they were alright but when we heard a moan we decided to just keep walking for a bit and let them find us.......

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