PART 10...

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I sprinted as fast as I could to her trailer. I had to see her and explain what really happened, maybe even tell her how I feel.

As soon as I opened the trailer door I saw y/n sitting on a chair on her phone, she looked up to me then looked down at the floor. That's it, I'm going to tell her I thought to myself before starting to talk.

Y/N POV****

I was scrolling through Instagram when suddenly the trailer door flew open, and there stood Louis panting. I looked at him then looked at the floor, not knowing what to do. Then he started to speak.

"Y/n I need to tell you what really happened but before I do that I just want to say something..... I-i love you" Louis said finally admitting his feelings to me
"Y-you love me?!" You said while staring at him in disbelief.
"Yes y/n, and ever since you walked through your arrival gate I have known that I love you. You are just the nicest, funniest and the most uplifting person I know and I want to be able to call you mine." Louis admitted to you
"I love you too Louis!!" You shouted as you leapt into his arms, hugging him.
"Wait then why were you acting funny earlier?" You asked curiously.
"Uhhh.... you are probably going to hate me after this but um you deserve the truth. I ummm.... I was uh thinking about you right and then my.....hormonal teenage body took over.... and I uh I didn't want you to know so I ran off" he said while hanging his head in shame and embarrassment.
"So you ran away from me because you had a boner!?" You asked him with a smirk, lifting his head up with your thumb. He slowly nodded still embarrassed at the whole situation.
"Hey there is nothing to be embarrassed about ok Louis, cheer up" you said while giggling
"There is only one way that I will be happy." Louis said before he smashed his lips into yours. You were in heaven, the way his soft lips kissed your made you want him even more. He slowly broke the kiss to ask you a question..
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Louis asked taking deep breaths, you smiled before replying a quick yes and then returning to the kiss. After a few minutes he moved from your lips to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses. You finally had time to breath. Then you two were startled by a member of the staff knocking in the door, you two quickly cleaned yourselves up before opening the door.
"You need to come to set now to get your hair and make up done again because we are filming a new scene" the man said bluntly before turning around and walking away. You two walked to the styling room hand in hand and he kissed you on the forehead before leaving you.

As you walked in Malina ran up to you to ask what you were doing in the trailer, you explained the whole thing and she ended up screaming.
"OMG!!!! You guys are dating! C U T E!" She shouted as we sat in the chairs.
The women were doing our hair when suddenly the woman doing me gasped.
"What!? What is it?" You asked her as she looked at you with a smirk
"Looks like someone's been getting a few hickeys" she said as she turned your chair so you could look in the mirror. You covered your mouth when you saw 3 hickeys on your neck, Malina laughed as you shouted in your head
'I'm going to bloody kill that kid!!!'

ON SET*****
As you walked onto set you saw Louis sitting down reading his script, you walked over to him and punched his shoulder.
"Owww! What was that for?" He asked innocently
"Hmmmm let me think.... ohhh what about the three bloody hickeys that you left on my neck!! The makeup woman saw it and she had to cover them up..... it took ten minutes!" You told his as he just smirked at you.
"COME ON KIDS TIME TO FILM, POSITIONS PLEASE!" The director told us, so we both got into positions before he yelled Action!

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