Chapter 3- Finally at school

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Here's the next chapter (picture of Emma 👆🏻👆🏻)

This is an important announcement.
Please read this
In this book so far I have mentioned that Emma went through an incident which terrified her life . I said that this incident took place 3 years ago but now instead of 3 years that incident took place 2 years ago. I have tried to correct it in the chapters but if there is 3 years written somewhere ignore my mistake and just assume 2 years instead of that .
I m sorry for the mistakes .
Thank you
I love you all


We reached school 5 minutes before the bell rings . Well that's a success . After getting out of the car I grabbed Eve's hand and went in the school through front door.

Our school was just like any other. Typical high school. Students here have their own group of friends. Just like any book there are three kinds of students in here.

FIRST the nerds who have theirs heads always in books 📚 and of course they are the anti social ones. They are always using their free time to stick their noses in any book they could find. It was like they fed on the books and those were the only things keeping them alive. But still I respect them. I don't know how can someone study for this long. I shuddered while thinking of me with always my head in a book.

Then SECOND is your IT group . This is the group of the popular jerks of the schools. They think that they are best in here and walks like they own this school. Everyone fall at their feet. They were apparently the fashion tycoons of the school.

LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST is students like me who are neither popular nor nerds. We just keep things to ourselves. We don't have our heads in books . We are social , but not popular. We have our fair share of friends and fun but we don't act like we own the place or everyone is below us. We just like to keep it close.

The moment we entered the school's front door we can see the huddle of students in the hallway trying to go to their first classes.

"Hmm! Finally we are at school ." Eve said.

I was just going to walk away when I heard a scream. It took me seconds to realize that this scream was from my one and only stupid best friend because she spotted her boyfriend in this damn crowd. Teens and relationships. Ufff !

" Richard" she screamed at the top of her lungs that even president of America would have heard it. Okay! Maybe that's not true . But you got the point. She screamed his name like she has not seen him a decade when only it was like 2 days.

" Baby , I missed you so much " I immediately turned around because I know the next will be the move of the year. Richard will have Eve in his arms and they will start making out.

Taking my queue to leave I started walking towards the office alone. Before I reached the office door suddenly a hand wrapped themselves around my waist and other one around my mouth muffling my screams . I can't be rapped in the school. I thought this was a well respected school.

No , this is my first day and this can't be happening to me .

I started punching whoever the person was . I started kicking where ever I could but all my attempts to get myself free were in vain. This guy has a death grip on me and boy he is damn strong.

"Stop it sugar" he said . I immediately stopped because I knew who this voice belong to .

Jacob Watson

The one and only school's playboy. Okay not only but along with his friend he was pretty much the leader. I even heard that he has slept with most of the girls in school. I don't even understand why girls are willing to get in bed with him because he isn't that handsome.

"Sugar you know you can't resist me that long . Come on." He smirked at me because he knows that he is annoying the hell out of me right now.

"Ewwuu, have you seen yourself . I can't even stand being in same room as you and you are telling me that I can't resist you . You seriously need to go to doctor, Jacob" I said

" Oh please ! Have you seen this face. No one has ever said no to me besides you of course ."
He said .

"Of course they haven't . BECAUSE I think they are all blind when it comes to you". I told him and huffed out in annoyance .

" See that's right. They go blind by just seeing this hotness." He pointed towards his face and body.

" Yeah totally!" I rolled my eyes at his failed attempts to impress me.

"You know you are just playing hard to get but remember one day I'll break through this tough act and you will be going on your knees in front of me" he smirked and I could sense that his words have some hidden meaning in them .

"Yuckk , I can't even believe you just said that . God have mercy on me "I scrunched my face in disgust at his double meaning. He just laughed it of and said "One day sugar you will come to me " and left me there standing alone in janitors closet.

I checked the time and saw that I'm already late for my first class so there's no point in going now . I went to office and grabbed my timetable. I have second period as chemistry . I went outside in garden and waited for the bell to signify that first class is over.

The moment I heard bell I grabbed my backpack and went to Mr Hane 's class for chemistry. I entered the class and sat in the middle row and rested my head in my hands.

Just then I heard that someone kept their bag on the desk next to me . I assumed it is any student who will probably just leave me alone but boy , was I wrong. The guy sitting next to me comes to be none other than the jerk himself . Jacob. Ahh! I hate this person.

"Hey sugar missed me?"he said

"Not even in my dreams" I told him

" Hey you know what I dream."he said and I looked at him confused. He leaned in close to me. His lips were mere inches away from mine and I thought that he'll do something but instead he moved his lips towards my ears and whispered " I dream you on my bed below me and screaming my name " I cut him in the middle "Oh my god! My ears are gonna to burst . I probably have to go to church today to clean myself". I told him and diverted my attention to Mr Hane 's lecture before he could say anything. He was probably laughing his ass off.

Huh ! Jackass.

Thank god that was close escape .

I hope you guys liked it. This is my first book and I'm trying my best and I really hope you do tell me how you liked this chapter in comment section and vote . Don't be shy to ask anything .
Thank you 😊

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