Chapter 1 -I'm Okay

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This is the first chapter and I hope you guys like it. Spare me for any grammatical mistakes or any mistake. Thanks for your cooperation.

Thank you

Emma 's POV

Everything was dark. I couldn't open my eyes. It was like a heavy weight was placed upon them stopping them from opening. A hot piercing pain strikes me in my left shoulder. I wanted to scream but my mouth wouldn't open up. It's like I was stuck. I couldn't move or lift my hand. It wasn't like something heavy was on me, but more of something heavy hit me and now I can't move a muscle kind of thing.

Where was I? What's happening?

Slowly after trying so hard my eyes started to open. I observed my surroundings trying to keep my eyes from shutting again. I was in the car. His car to be specific.

Why is it so hot?

Where was this heating coming from? It was like I was being barbecued.



Double shit!

The fire was everywhere. I could barely make anything out as the smoke covered almost everything. My vision was still foggy from before and now this smoke almost made it impossible to see anything.

I knew the second we started to drive down the city that there was something going to be wrong. But I didn't know that a drunk truck driver would hit us with his truck and send us flying to the other side of the road like this was some action movie. I knew in my gut that there was something not right. But still I ignored the feeling and do what I mostly do.

Everything was messed up. I couldn't breathe. The smoke made it difficult to do anything. I couldn't see anything due to the smoke. There was this ringing in my right ear. It was difficult to focus on anything but still I can hear something. I could hear his voice asking me to leave to go but I couldn't. I couldn't leave him here. How selfish that would be. I looked around trying to make sense of the situation we were in.

I could make his silhouette in the smoke.

I focused more and saw that he has a deep cut on his forehead, his right arm was moved to an angle that it looked badly broken. There was blood coming out of his mouth and nose and god knows where else. The side car door was bent to angle that it pierced his left side of the stomach. Yet still he was trying to get me out of the car.

"Get out of the car" he said worriedly.

But I ignored him and tried to think of ways to get both of us out. I tried to open my seat belt and as soon as I heard the click of it I fell on him making him groan and then only I realized that the car was upside down. I released my body weight from him and tried to undo his seat belt. The flames of the fire were making it hard. The heat was so much to bear and I was on the verge of passing out but I kept my focus on him to try and take him out of this fire hole.

No! I can't leave him.

My vision was clouded by yet another issue. No, I cannot cry. Now is not the time for these stupid tears to show up. I don't do crying. So why now did they choose to appear?

He was barely conscious, tears were streaming down his face and that was the first time I saw him crying and I couldn't bring myself to it. He grabbed my face and looked straight in my eyes. The amount of passion I saw in them shocked me to my core. He looked at me like I was his world. His eyes told me everything he couldn't right now and it pained me. He was trying to tell me something and I understood each and every word. He slowly leaned towards and smashed his lips on mine and kissed me like his life depended on it. I guess it was. His kiss was possessive and soft and yet at the same time hard and rough like he was afraid to lose me.

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