Chapter 16 - You are ignoring me

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Hey guys

Long time no see ?


Emma's POV

It's been a week since that party and I'm avoiding Jacob at all costs .

Oh god this is so embarrassing.

I was walking towards my locker when a hand came out of nowhere and wrapped around my waist and pulled me to the janitors closet .

This is my second fucking time that someone is pulling me in closet AGAIN.

As soon as I turned I looked at green eyes of non other than Jacob .

He turned his back to me and stood in front of the door to out as if preventing me from leaving .

" You are ignoring me " he said and his voice leaked from sadness and it burnt my heart to think that I am the reason behind it .

" No no I wasn't ignoring you . It was just because -" I stopped in between my sentence as I don't know what to reason with him .

" because what Emma ? Because what " he almost shouted at me .

I flinched at his sound .

" I know why you ignored me . Because you regret that kiss ." He said

Do I really regret that kiss ? The answer is no . I don't because I somewhat liked it . I forget everything that was happening in my life . I forgot about my past and present . So no I didn't regret that kiss . Than why did I ignored him . Because I was afraid . Afraid of what will happen afterwards . Afraid that Jacob didn't liked it .

I was silent for few seconds before I spoke up
" No I don't  regret that kiss . That kiss was.."

"Than why the hell are you ignoring me ?huh!" He said and his voice came out as a desperate whisper .

"Tell me damnit " he shouted .

" because I was afraid that you didn't liked it and regret it and that's why I couldn't face you " I rattled .

I closed my eyes not wanting to look at his expressions right now .

He was silent for sometime .

I felt two pairs of fingers under my chin forcing me to look up . I opened my eyes to look at Jacob whose face was a mere centimeter away from mine .

He slowly leaned in and smashed his lips on mine . This kiss was slow and caring .

I kissed him back . Our lips were moving in sync with each other . He licked my lip asking for permission but I denied it . He bit my lower lip making me gasp and he took that opportunity to discover my mouth .

Our lips danced together with each other with my hands around his neck and his around my waist .

After what felt like forever we pulled away and rested our forehead against each other .

" That was .." I started

"Amazing " he completed .

I giggled . Seriously when do you started giggling Emma .

After composing each other he said " Emma I wanted to ask you something "

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