Chapter 13- Party, Past & Memories

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Hey guys

How are you all .


Emma 's POV

It's been 2 weeks since Mason came back from his trip . These past two weeks were the best I had . I smiled more than I ever had .

Mason is my bestest friend .

He is a happy -go -lucky person . He has this auto around him that can make anyone cheerful .

He is the closest thing I have to my heart of my past .

Mason and I were friends from childhood . He lived in my neighborhood. I can't really say that we were best friends from start .

Our friendship actually bloomed when we got into 5th standard .

Mason wasn't the only one . We were four .

FOUR inseparable  best friends .

We were glued together with worlds strongest glues .

When one of would be sad the other three will do whatever they can to bring a smile on his face .

Our friendship was very strong . We all were close .

But one of them was dearest to me .

And I lost him .

We were the four musketeers. We even had sleepovers .

We always stayed together in our vacations .

Our families went together for a trip because we all never agreed to go on different ways .


That all changed after that night .

We were separated and it was me who has to be blamed for it .

It was all my fault .

That day I lost my two bestfriends just because of my stupid mistake .

I wish I could go back to change everything that happened that day .

" Emma , Are you even listening to me ?" Evelyn asked me from beside .

" Sorry , I was thinking something . So what were you saying again ?" I told her guiltily.

" I was talking about this big party that is going to be held on . And I want us to go . Please don't say no Emma " she pouted .

" No Eve . You know I hate parties . And why do you want to go we never went to any ever ?" I asked her

" Please Emma , we are in high school . I want to go to this party "

" please please please please please please please PLEASE " she whined .

"Okay just shut up " I groaned

" So this party is on this Saturday be ready at 5:30 cauz I'll be picking you up at sharp 5:30 and the party goes on and on . It also takes us half an hour drive to get there . So don't be late " she instructed me .

"Okay I guess "

Then the bell rang and we parted our ways towards our classes .


I was just laying on my bed . It's Friday night . Tomorrow I have to go to that party .

Oh god how much I hate it .

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