Chapter 5- What's done is done

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            "Yeah, is it too late now to say sorry?   'Cause I'm missing more than just your body               Oh, is it too late now to say sorry?               Yeah, I know that I let you down               Is it too late to say I'm sorry now?"

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            "Yeah, is it too late now to say sorry?
   'Cause I'm missing more than just your body
               Oh, is it too late now to say sorry?
               Yeah, I know that I let you down
               Is it too late to say I'm sorry now?"

            "Yeah, is it too late now to say sorry?   'Cause I'm missing more than just your body               Oh, is it too late now to say sorry?               Yeah, I know that I let you down               Is it too late to say I'm sorry now?"

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Emma 's POV

After the final bell which signified that the school has ended I made my way towards my locker. But I stopped in my tracks when I saw the person leaning on my locker. I don't know what he was doing there. Oh god I just want this day to be already over with.

Today I ignored him.

He tried to talk to me but I gave him the attitude which he never got from anyone. Hell even I have never gave him this treatment.

I gave him silent treatment. To every remark he made to get my attention I simply ignored it. I never gave him a side remark or hell never ever gave him the satisfaction of a frown or something that proves that I heard him. I just kept a neutral face like he wasn't even there.

When he tried to ask me about what he did I gave him the my famous cold glare. The only time he got a reaction out of me. The hurt that flashed through his eyes send a strange pain in my chest but I didn't let loose.

" Emma listen to me once ."

After composing my self I made my way towards my locker slowly .

"Move " I said coldly.

"Emma what happened ? Did I do something wrong ? Please Em don't give me this silent treatment. Just tell me what the hell did I do ? " he said with so much sincerity in his voice .

But I again ignored him .

"Move from my way" I said through my gritted teeth. My voice was so cold that he was taken aback for a second . He held my shoulders in his hands and leaned towards me and that's when I saw the hurt in his eyes .

"Em , I m sorry if I did anything wrong but please don't give me this treatment. Hit me heck even shout at me with all the profanities you know but don't ignore me ". I was confused at his statement . He was asking for my forgiveness. If he cares for me than why in the name of god was he kissing that bitch .

In fact kissing was so much less for what they were doing. I don't get him. One moment he is like this like he cares for me , likes me but next moment he goes and kiss simran. What is he trying to do? Is this some kind of game for him ?

" Please Emma . Just tell me what I did and I promise you I'll make it all right ."

" You can't make it right . What's done is done." I said .

I shrugged his hands off and pushed him aside and to my surprise he didn't even resisted. I don't care if he was with that simran bitch  but what hurts is that he would lead me on like that and when he got a little bit bore he went to simran. I was stupid to think that a person like Jacob could be serious. Of course they say ' Once a player always a player '. I was just too blind to see. For once I actually thought that he may actually like me. But who am I kidding. Why would Jacob Watson like me. It wasn't like I was one of those beautiful models. I was just plain old me who has tired eyes and dull skin. Huh !

I got the things I needed and made my way towards parking lot looking for Evelyn. .

After she came she saw what mood I'm in and didn't uttered a single word because she know better than that and I was thankful for that . She dropped me home and she waved at me and left .

No one was at home today.

I went in my room and changed in Nike shorts and my black sports bra and decided to go for a run to clear my mind. Running is my only escape from reality. When I run it gives me the feeling that even though everything is going to hell I could still feel that freedom which the whooping air gives me .

I love to run .

This is what keeps me alive .

It's my salvation .

I know this chapter is very very short but I will make it up to you by next chapter . I decided that I will give you Jacob's part of voice in next chapter so it was important for me to end in here .

Please forgive me for it and please vote .
Thank you guys

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