Chapter - 27 - I miss him

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Hey guys !

You could also think nick Bateman as Kayden . So for you guys there's a picture of him above . 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻

Here is the next chapter .

I'm sorry for the long time wait . 😰😰Huh !

But its better to be late than never .

Now go on and read it .


Emma's POV

We were both silently looking for the important stuff for our topic . After twenty minutes of argument between us we both decided that we will  search on a compound that will be the most interesting. So we sat together and searched web for the most interesting chemical compound .

And we found one .

Botulinum Toxin .

I know a weird name but isn't it the whole point of naming a compound . Name of  compounds are so weird . Like Toluene etc .

It is the most deadliest compound known to mankind . So we both decided to do our investigation on it .

I peeked up from my phone as all the books were useless in this matter because no book contained any information about this deadliest compound that can kill anyone .

Kayden was sitting on the chair . His eyes concentrated on the screen . It was like nothing else mattered to him besides his work . Some habits don't go easily .

His eyebrows scrunched every now and then when he thought something was interesting to note . His green eyes were so mesmerizing that anyone could get lost . Sometimes they were like that deep shade of morning forest when everything around you is that fresh green and you just can't remove your eyes from .

He was totally a Greek god . He have developed a lot of more muscles since I last saw him . He looks like he worked a lot .

He just looked like him . It pained me to see Kayden as a continuous reminder of someone from my past . The past I'm running from . The past that I dread the most .

And here I'm sitting with the person I thought I would never meet and working on a project .

As if he sensed me staring he looked up directly at me and raised his eyebrow . I immediately looked away and pretended to do my work .

" You know it's rude to stare ." He said with amusement .

" I wasn't staring ." I lied .

" Yeah,  sure you weren't ." He teased and then we were back to work . After three hours we started telling each other what we found on the web related to botulinum toxin .

" So I'll start first because I searched the beginning ." Kayden said and I simply nodded .

" So botulinum toxin is the most deadliest chemical compound in the world . It's also called BTX or Borox and is a neurotoxin protein produced by bacteria Clostridium botulinum . It prevents the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from axon endings at the neuromuscular junction and thus causes flaccid paralysis. Infection with the bacterium causes the disease botulism. The toxin is also used commercially in medicine, cosmetics and research."

" It's chemical formula is C6760H10447N1743O2010S32 and its molar mass is 149 kg/mol. There are eight types of botulinum toxin named from A to H . Type A and B can cause disease in human and are also used commercially and medically.Types C to G are less common; types E and F can cause disease in humans, while the other types cause disease in other animals.Type H is considered the deadliest substance in the world – an injection of only 2 ng can cause death to an adult.Botulinum toxin types A and B are used in medicine to treat various muscle spasms and diseases characterized by overactive muscle. " I continued after him .

We discussed the project a little bit more and then decided that it was the time to call it off for the day . We made three pages of the assignment already and we only to write seven more pages . Which is very much . We have quite some time left . We still have two and half weeks left till the submission date .

" So do you want to go out and eat something ?" Kayden asked and I got up and looked out of the window .

It was going to be dark pretty soon .

" No thanks , it's going to be dark pretty soon . I have to complete my homework so that I don't get detention . " I told him .

He was staring at me so intensely that it scared me . What if he know who I'm and was only testing me .

" You know it's rude to stare ." I said the same sentence he told me .

He smirked when he realized that I just threw his words back at him  and got up from the chair he was sitting on . He slowly started taking steps towards me . Like a predator coming towards his prey . I started backing away but he kept taking a step towards me . My back hit a hard surface and I realized that it was the wall . Suddenly the room that once was enough for me became so small . He was too close to me that I was trapped in between him and the wall .

He placed both his hands on the either side of my head and trapped me in not letting anyway for my escape .

It was like we were under a stance .

Just staring at each other .

He brought his hand up and gently caressed my cheek . My breath hitched in my mouth and for first few moments I was too shocked at what he was doing . And by the look on his face it clearly showed that he was shocked of his actions too .

" K-kayden " I said his name and it was like he got out of whatever trance he was in .

" I'm sorry it's just that you look a lot like a person I knew " he dropped his hand and then he suddenly walked out of the room . Walked was understatement. He practically sprinted out my room . Some time later I heard front door opened and shut and then roar of an engine .

At that moment when it was confirmed that he has already left I sighed letting a tear escape from my eye .

My mom stood at the door and I saw her eyes red too . I opened my arms for her and she immediately ran into them seeking for the comfort .

She lost her son and that was because of me . I know what she was going through. She considered Kayden as her own son . Kayden was too close to me . He was my life .

The oxygen that kept me alive . He was my partner in crime .

" Oh my god , Emma . He was here . He has changed so much and what a handsome man he has become . Did you see him ? Oh god ! I miss him a lot , Emma . I wanted to hug him and hold him so tight and talk to him for hours telling him how much I missed him and why I abandoned . Why we abandoned him ." She was on full blown crying and she was blabbering.

Her crying like this made me feel 10 times worst .

" I know mom . We all miss him . Shushh it's going to be okay ." Right now it didn't matter that she is my mom . It was her who needed comfort and I will provide her that . She was way too much broken .


How was the chap ?

What do thing who was Kayden ? And what is his relationship with Emma from past ?

Hope you guys liked it .

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Love you all ..
~ Luna Grace 😘😘

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